C# Books for Beginners and Practitioners

We continue to publish collections of good books for professionals that are available in Russian. This time we will talk about those books on C # that remain relevant today. The collection also includes new books, plus a couple of editions of previous years. If you have your own preferences regarding such literature, leave recommendations in the comments.

C# programming for beginners

Author: Alexey Vasiliev

Alexey Vasiliev is a well-known author of books on this language. What we are talking about now is a tutorial that is designed for beginner programmers. It is suitable for both beginners and intermediate developers who want to refresh their memory.

The textbook tells about the history of the development of the language, its structure. Also, such important topics as basic data types, variables, operators, loops and other important information that is needed to work with this language are disclosed in detail.

There are also practical examples where the author shows interesting points, talking about his experience. Practice always helps reinforce theory, so these examples are worth paying close attention to.

Learning C# through Unity game development

AuthorStory by: Harrison Ferone

This is a more specialized book that will be of interest primarily to game developers. But it should not be ignored by those developers who have just begun their journey.

The fact is that yes, the main theme is games, but these are just examples. And so the book reveals the basics of OOP, shows the basic structures of the language in question. To make the reader learn the material faster, the author gives a large number of code examples and tips. There are also exercises that should be performed to consolidate the material.

Other topics include creating scripts in C # for game mechanics, describing procedural programming. In particular, there is a section that shows how to make enemies in games “smart”, as well as how to create weapons.

Attention is paid to pluggable building blocks using interfaces, abstract classes and extensions.

C# 9.0. Pocket guide

AuthorsStory by: Joseph and Ben Albahari

This edition should be recommended to already experienced developers. As the title suggests, the book is a reference book. Here everything is clear and to the point. The authors prefer to give information in a concise manner, fitting a huge amount of information into one manual.

As in previous cases, practical examples of work are given. There are also interactive examples that will be useful to a developer with any experience.

The book can be recommended as a desktop. If you need to learn something new or remember something that has already been mastered before, but partially forgotten, then the Pocket Guide is a must have.

C# 10 and .NET 6. Modern cross-platform development

AuthorStory by: Mark Price

Another specialized book, and this is a new edition, which covers material that exposes the possibilities of C # 10 and .NET 6. It helps to learn how to create web interfaces with a lot of features using Blazor, Razor Pages, the Model-View-Controller pattern ( MVC) and other ASP.NET Core features.

The author also helps to master the integration and updating of databases in applications using Entity Framework Core models. It also provides information on working with tools such as Web API and Minimal API.

Like the previous edition, this book is intended for intermediate developers. Although it can be useful for novice developers too, since it is written in an understandable language.

Programming in C# 8.0

AuthorStory by: Ian Griffiths

This book also covers the nuances of working with C# and .NET. The author reveals the possibilities and methods of C # 8.0, which allow you to create a very diverse application of different classes. The positive side of the book is a large number of practical examples, code sections with their description.

In addition, Griffiths talks about .NET, its evolution, features and functions. In particular, it shows where to apply new methods that have appeared relatively recently, and where to use old and time-tested approaches.

The book may be useful for novice developers, but still it is “sharpened” for experienced programmers who have both knowledge and practical skills. All this will help you discover new facets of the C# and .NET complex and work more efficiently.

Unity in action. Multiplatform development in C#. 3rd int. edition

AuthorStory by: Joseph Hawking

And again Unity, so if this topic is relevant to you, the book is worth reading. It contains many practical examples, projects of different types, information for working with different technologies, including 2D, 3D and VR / AR.

The book for professionals is an introduction to the world of Unity for developers with good experience and knowledge. The author of the book gives practical examples, useful tips and talks about various methods of work.

The third edition received an addition in the form of a section on virtual and augmented reality.

CLR via C#. Programming on the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 in C#. 4th ed.

AuthorStory by: Jeffrey Richter

And the last book for today. This is a programming tutorial that provides an understanding of the architecture and operation of the CLR (Common Language Runtime) as part of the .NET Framework version 4.5. Recommended for developers with experience, since you already need to know C# well to master the material.

The fourth edition of the book covers .NET technologies and how they can be used in daily work.

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