Business Intelligence Tools

If you are considering a career in business analytics and choose Urban University (UU), be prepared for the fact that your curriculum will be filled with the most relevant and sought-after tools on the labor market. Education in this field requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that will allow you to easily enter the profession and be a competitive specialist.

The training program at the Urban online school covers key business analytics tools that help process and interpret data, manage projects, and optimize business processes. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

Power BI

One of the most important tools taught in the UU curriculum is Power BI — a powerful platform for data visualization and analysis. With its help, business analysts can transform complex data arrays into understandable and easy-to-understand reports and dashboards. Among the key features of Power BI:

  • Connect to a variety of data sources, including databases, cloud services, and applications.

  • Create interactive dashboards and reports that help you identify trends and make informed decisions.

  • Enable deep analytics with built-in tools for filtering, grouping and segmenting data.

During their studies, UU students master both basic and advanced Power BI functions, which allows them to effectively use this tool for data analysis in real projects in the future. With such a set of skills, graduates can easily adapt to work in large companies and analytical departments, where it is necessary not only to analyze data, but also to convey its essence to management and colleagues.


Another important element of training is SQL (Structured Query Language) is a query language used to work with databases. In modern business, data volumes are constantly growing, and the ability to quickly and efficiently extract the necessary data from a database is one of the key skills for a business analyst. At UU, students learn:

  • Write queries to select, update, and delete data.

  • Structure data for further analysis and reporting.

  • Work with large amounts of data using optimized queries.

Knowledge of SQL allows UU graduates to integrate into teams that require database work and immediately begin performing complex data analysis tasks.


To manage projects and track tasks in the UU curriculum, we use Yandex.Tracker as an example of building Kanban boards. This is a tool that helps organize team work and manage projects. It is especially useful for business analysts who are often involved in planning and monitoring task execution. Yandex.Tracker allows you to:

  • Create tasks and assign responsible persons.

  • Track task progress in real time using Kanban boards.

  • Keep track of time and analyze team performance.

This tool not only helps students learn to manage time and resources, but also develops planning and team communication skills – qualities that are highly valued in the labor market.

Integration of knowledge in real projects

One of the main advantages of studying at Urban University is the opportunity to integrate the acquired knowledge into real projects. Students have access to practical classes, where they can apply the tools they have learned in conditions close to real work. This allows graduates not only to know theoretically how Power BI, SQL, Excel and Yandex.Tracker work, but also to be ready to perform complex tasks in practice.

Readiness for the labor market

UU graduates gain comprehensive knowledge and skills that make them competitive in the labor market. Mastering tools such as Power BI, SQL, Excel, and Yandex.Tracker allows them to confidently work in various companies and easily adapt to any business tasks. Moreover, Urban University constantly updates its program, following current trends in the world of business analytics, which guarantees graduates relevant and in-demand knowledge.

If you want to start a career as a business analyst, the choice of educational institution plays a key role. At Urban University, you will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills to become a successful specialist in this field. The combination of theory and practice, the study of modern tools and methodologies makes UU graduates ready to work in a real business environment.

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