blockchain superheroes in search of savings

In the world of blockchain, where the word “gas” is most often associated not with car gas stations, but with transaction fees on Ethereum, finding ways to minimize these costs is becoming increasingly relevant. Less heartache for an empty wallet and more time to solve really important issues… for example, what to cook for lunch =)

Like the epic battle of Batman vs. Superman, let's compare GSN and Account Abstraction. As with any superhero story, each of them has their own unique abilities and weaknesses, which we will explore in detail.

Getting to know GSN

GSN (Gas Station Network) is a solution designed to make it easier for users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing them to send transactions without having to pay for gas. GSN is built on top of the ERC-2771 standard, which allows smart contracts to interpret function calls as if they were made by the end user, when in fact the call is made by an intermediary.

The GSN architecture was covered in detail in a previous article. There, the algorithm for interaction of components was examined in detail, and various scenarios for using the technology were given. More details:

Introducing Account Abstraction

Account Abstraction (ERC-4337) is an approach in Ethereum that offers a standardized solution for more flexible account management, significantly expanding their functionality. The main idea is to make accounts more “smart”, i.e. Allow contracts to act as user accounts.

Account Abstraction Features

1. Smart Accounts: ERC-4337 allows users to use smart contracts as accounts, which can have their own rules and logic for processing transactions. For example, enable automatic transaction approvals, enhanced security measures, and other custom logic.

2. Gasless solutions: Although Account Abstraction's primary goal is not to create gasless applications, this standard allows such functionality to be implemented as an optional extra. With the help of smart accounts, you can configure who exactly (the user or the decentralized application) will pay for gas, which makes it possible to create dApps without the need for end users to pay for gas.

3. Batch processing of transactions: smart accounts can send multiple transactions as one batch operation. This is convenient, for example, for performing complex financial transactions where several steps need to be performed sequentially.

4. Increased security and flexibility: With smart accounts, users can implement different levels of security, such as multi-factor authentication or automatic limits on maximum transaction amounts.

Key components of ERC-4337

  1. UserOperation: A data structure representing a user operation. It includes all the necessary data, such as the function to call, operation parameters, and user signature.

  2. EntryPoint: the central contract in the Account Abstraction system that receives and processes User Operations. EntryPoint is responsible for checking the validity of transactions and their execution.

  3. Bundler (or Block Proposer): these agents collect transactions from users and send them to the Ethereum network, including them in blocks.

  4. Smart Account Contract: this is a user’s smart contract that functions as his account in the blockchain. This contract contains logic that determines exactly how incoming transactions should be processed and who can initiate transactions on behalf of the user and how.

This architecture can be extended with additional components:

  • Paymasters: optional smart contracts designed to finance transactions on behalf of contract accounts. Paymasters can absorb gas costs, reducing the burden on users and increasing the availability of decentralized applications.

  • Aggregators: also optional smart contracts that can act as signature verifiers for transactions originating from multiple contract accounts. Aggregators simplify and streamline the transaction processing process, allowing large numbers of signatures and requests to be processed efficiently.

Technology comparison

Now we come to the most epic part – the battle of two blockchain superheroes! GSN and Account Abstraction are ready to show what they can do. Let's take a closer look at what their advantages and disadvantages are based on key criteria. Let's get started!

1. Standard used

GSN: GSN uses the ERC-2771 standard, which provides a way to process metatransactions through relay servers.

Account Abstraction: Account Abstraction is based on the ERC-4337 standard, which expands the capabilities of accounts by allowing smart contracts to perform the functions of regular user accounts.

2. Security

GSN: Although GSN simplifies the user experience, the relay mechanism can be vulnerable to attacks such as frontrunning (where an attacker intercepts and modifies transactions before they are executed). To minimize such risks, it is necessary to carefully manage relay servers and Paymasters, which requires additional resources and monitoring.

Account Abstraction: Thanks to the use of wallet contracts, security in Account Abstraction can be customized to meet the specific needs of users. For example, you can implement multi-factor authentication, set transaction limits, or use multi-signatures. All this makes Account Abstraction more secure and flexible for complex scenarios, but increases complexity in setting up and using.

3. Scalability

GSN: As the number of users and transactions on the network increases, the scalability of GSN may become an issue as relay support is required to process transactions. If the relay network does not grow at the same rate as the number of transactions, it can lead to delays in execution and even failures.

Account Abstraction: Account Abstraction scalability is better managed as this standard allows transactions to be batched and reduces gas costs through Paymaster contracts and signature aggregators. This allows you to process a large number of operations more efficiently, but adds complexity to the implementation.

4. Support multi-operations

GSN: is mainly aimed at paying for gas in one transaction on behalf of the user, and its capabilities in terms of multi-transactions are limited.

Account Abstraction: One of the main advantages of Account Abstraction is the ability to process multiple transactions in a single transaction. For example, users can combine multiple steps into a single financial transaction, significantly reducing gas costs and making the system more efficient.

5. Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) support

GSN: supports work with classic accounts (EOA). This makes it easily compatible with existing users and the Ethereum infrastructure.

Account Abstraction: on the contrary, it requires the use of smart contract accounts, which limits the ability to work with classic EOAs.

6. Integration with wallets

GSN: Since GSN uses existing Ethereum accounts and relay servers to pay for gas, it is fully compatible with classic wallets such as MetaMask and others. Users do not need to change wallets or set up additional contracts to interact with DApps via GSN.

Account Abstraction: One of the key limitations of Account Abstraction is that it is not compatible with traditional wallets such as MetaMask. To work with this standard, users will need to use wallet contracts that act as accounts. This complicates integration with existing wallets, but provides greater flexibility for developers, since they can build in their own security and transaction processing logic.

7. Architecture and complexity of integration

GSN: has a relatively simple architecture, including relay servers, Paymaster contracts and smart contracts recipients (Recipient Contracts). However, relay servers require careful management and monitoring to avoid attacks and malicious behavior. At the same time, for users with classic wallets, GSN provides a lower barrier to entry, as the architecture easily integrates with existing applications. Thus, GSN is more relevant for integration into already developed solutions without upgrading the existing architecture.

Account Abstraction: has a more complex architecture. Key components – UserOperation, EntryPoint and Bundlers – require more detailed integration and configuration. At the same time, Account Abstraction offers greater flexibility for developers, since they can independently create the logic for their accounts. However, implementing this system requires significant effort, especially if it needs to maintain compatibility with existing dApps and infrastructure.


So, if GSN and Account Abstraction are the superheroes of the blockchain, then GSN can be thought of as a friendly Spider-Man: simple, reliable, easily compatible with classic wallets and suitable for most everyday tasks. But when it comes to saving the world (complex operations, multi-ops and advanced security), Account Abstraction comes into the picture – this is Iron Man with an arsenal of high-tech gadgets, ready for any challenge, even if it means changing the classic suit for a new smart one. contract.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses: GSN is lightweight and compatible, but with limited flexibility, while Account Abstraction is powerful and capable, albeit with a higher integration bar. Choose your hero depending on whether you need a fast relay or a smart account that can handle many tasks at once. After all, in blockchain, as in life, there are never too many superheroes!

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