Biohacking and Health Devices

Modern technologies are developing, as are medical devices. Now some diseases are treated more effectively thanks to new developments or old, but more optimized ones. How to understand which of them really work and what is their trick?

In touch RISE: community about biohacking and nootropics. In this article you will learn about modern devices and how they can be useful.

What are the benefits of medical devices?

Many devices have been invented to simplify and improve the effectiveness of treatment of certain diseases, to reduce the consequences of illnesses, or simply to improve one's own well-being.

What is their advantage? Not all types of biohacking or treatment involve injections or taking chemicals orally. A person is a complex biomachine, and there are also many ways to influence it. Some devices do not require a visit to a doctor or procedures under their supervision at all. Install such a device at home, study the instructions and use it (of course, knowing your contraindications in advance).

It is convenient, fast, effective, and sometimes very profitable from a financial point of view. Visits to the procedure room or taking some expensive drugs can be replaced by 1 device and the discipline to constantly undergo procedures. Below I will list devices with a high evidence base that are used in practical medicine around the world.

Lamps with red and infrared light

Infrared light is a type of energy that your eyes cannot see, but your body can feel as heat. Red light is similar to infrared, but you can see it.

Red light therapy uses very low levels of heat that won't damage or burn your skin. It's not the same type of light used in tanning beds, and it won't expose your skin to harmful UV rays. These lights are great for waking up quickly, reducing facial puffiness, replacing a cup of coffee, or reducing headaches.

I use a similar device myself, but in small volumes, to reduce muscle pain after training.

Combination of red and infrared light:

  • Activates the work of mitochondria and the process of cellular respiration

  • Improves blood fluidity

  • Improves microcirculation and eliminates swelling – Stimulates antioxidant and other protective systems – Reduces inflammation, reduces pain

  • Accelerates the regeneration of any tissue

There are different types of devices, from small lamps with IR light to mats and large panels for the entire body. There are also local, point devices, for example, for the nose, ears, knees and elbows. The cost of all devices is different, from $ 30 to $ 2 thousand.

Lumen – Metabolism Tracker

The device went on sale in August 2022 Lumen Metabolism Tracker, which allows you to get real-time information on how much carbohydrates or fat the user is burning.

How does it work?

You just need to breathe into the device. The sensor will measure the amount of carbon dioxide to determine the concentration of CO2 in one exhalation and then calculate how much energy your body, or more precisely the mitochondria, produces.

As a result, you get a lot of effective recommendations on optimizing physical activity, sleep, and nutrition on your phone. You can use the device before training to understand how ready your body is for the load at the moment. Such a gadget costs from $200.

Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES)

The method was developed at the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, under the supervision of Professor Valery Pavlovich Lebedev

We started developing it in the 80s and over 40 years we have received enormous feedback in clinical practice.

The essence of the procedure is the effect of electrical impulses on the structures of the brain responsible for the production of β-endorphins. These substances belong to the group of endogenous opioid peptides. The process is carried out through the scalp with weak currents (barely noticeable) of a special shape. At the moment, this is an innovative painless procedure aimed at significantly improving brain activity.

TES therapy is performed for:

  • Normalization of sleep

  • Improving immunity, including during physical and mental stress

  • Optimization of stress and adaptation of the body to stress

  • Reduction of increased fatigue, increase in efficiency

  • Improved mood, general well-being, activity

The therapy itself has few contraindications, is not addictive, and provides a long-lasting effect after the course.

There are portable devices, the size of a tonometer, costing from $100 to $250, and there are large devices, about the size of a microwave oven, costing from $3 to $4 thousand.


The technology was developed by American neurophysiologist Paul Buck-y-Rita with the aim of helping patients with severe neurological disorders.

In 2018, a team of scientists and engineers from St. Petersburg developed the Neuroport neurostimulator, which is the first domestic device implementing the translingual electrical stimulation method.

A small and interesting gadget that, by stimulating the tongue, significantly accelerates the ability of the central nervous system to self-heal, using the mechanisms of neuroplasticity.

Helps develop and consolidate new skills, such as: reading, learning a new language, speed reading, meditation, sports, mental training, 10-finger typing.

The cost of the device is approximately $500-700

Light alarm clock

The light alarm clock is based on the principle of melatonin synthesis during dark and light hours of the day.
Many people buy blackout curtains to sleep comfortably without unnecessary light.
In complete darkness you fall asleep quickly, but there is a problem with waking up, because you do not understand when morning comes. And the problem with light begins in the winter, when it is dark outside and the body thinks that it is still night, but in fact it is already 9-10 am.

For this purpose, a special alarm clock was invented that can imitate the sunrise, it begins to change the light spectrum and brightness gradually, all this accompanied by a pleasant sound, of your choice. In addition, it also imitates the sunset. As a bonus, there is FM radio.

This alarm clock costs between $150 and $250.

The final role of devices

Progress offers us various scientific achievements to extend or improve the quality of life, I believe that we should use this, especially when the surrounding conditions deprive us of natural light, comfortable sleep and energy. It is great that some devices have received lighter and lighter versions that can be used at home, without constant visits to the doctor. Naturally, this is only support, but not a full-fledged replacement for therapy, sleep or sun.

What do you think about all these devices? Have you used anything from the list above? Share in the comments.

Article written by Ivan S, community member Rise: Nootropics and BiohackingBy the way, we publish content in shorter formats on other platforms.

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