“Beginner look for a familiar badge” or where to go to work after the course?

A lot of articles have been written about the path of a beginner with a huge bunch of recommendations. Dozens, and maybe hundreds of tips are given on the literature necessary for reading, methods and approaches both before employment and at its first stages.

What do I want to tell you?!

Choosing an institute, the first car, the first partner, etc. you determine your immediate future. With exactly the same responsibility, you need to approach the choice of the first employer, since it depends on him whether you will become a qualified specialist or burn out and avoid IT all your life.

Remember, your goal at this stage is to gain as much valuable experience (expertise) as possible and not become a regular client of a psychologist.

So who is the best person to deal with at the start of your IT career?
And …. my advice – be sure to start with large companies.

And now for the benefits:

Lined processes

Large companies usually have more stringent and at the same time effective processes and standards. Working inside such a system, you will be able to get acquainted with the best approaches in development and in the future use any developments when building your own processes.


In large companies, a mentor or mentor is integrated into the process of training a beginner. A mentor has experience and knowledge that he can pass on to a new employee. It can help you navigate the company and learn how to work with technologies and tools. It can also provide valuable advice and support in solving problems that may arise at work. All this makes the learning process more efficient and faster than if the new employee were to learn on their own.

Good documentation

Good documentation can help a new employee quickly understand the projects they will be doing. It may contain information about what tasks need to be completed, what requirements are imposed on them, what tools and technologies need to be used, what deadlines must be observed. This will allow you to quickly integrate into the workflow.

Scheduled scope of work

A regulated amount of work can be very useful for a beginner who is just starting his professional path. This term means that an employee must perform a certain number of tasks from his professional area in a certain period of time.

For a beginner, this can be helpful as it will help them organize their time and improve their planning and time management skills.

Another advantage of a regulated workload is that it can help a newbie avoid work overload and maintain a work-life balance.

Often in startups in pursuit of dividends, the team has only one goal – to achieve profit at any cost. The number of tasks completed and the time spent have no value until important milestons are reached. Lots of newbies burn out in this production hell.

Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are an important tool for newcomers, as they describe what tasks and responsibilities an employee should perform in their position. This helps the new employee understand what is expected of him, what results he should achieve and how he should work in a team. Job descriptions can also contain information about the company’s policies and procedures, which helps the new employee to quickly adapt to the work environment and avoid mistakes. Without job descriptions, a new employee may feel lost and insecure about their actions, which can lead to mistakes and inefficient work.

Areas of responsibility

Knowing the boundaries of your area of ​​responsibility helps the new employee to understand what tasks he must perform and which do not relate to his duties. This avoids work overload or, conversely, a lack of tasks, which can lead to inefficient work and management dissatisfaction. In addition, knowing the boundaries of the area of ​​responsibility helps the new employee to more clearly define his goals and objectives in the workplace, which helps to increase motivation and work efficiency.

Small companies sin by smearing responsibility when doing work or making decisions. Often performers are forced to take responsibility for the development of functionality with vaguely defined requirements. For hardened specialists, this does not cause very big problems, but for beginners, this greatly increases anxiety, since they are not able to supplement the requirements on their own due to lack of experience.

High level of knowledge of specialists

One of the main advantages of working in a large company is the opportunity to work in a large team of professionals. You can gain valuable experience from colleagues who already have many projects in the field behind them. They can share their knowledge and expertise, which will help you get up to speed faster and learn how to work in accordance with best practices.


Large players often provide education and training for their employees. Education and training can help you develop and improve your skills, which will increase your professional level and career chances.

In general, working for a large company can be a great choice for a newbie who is just starting their professional journey. Large companies provide many benefits that can help a newcomer to quickly get used to the profession and achieve career success.

Startups or small companies also have many positive aspects for developing professional skills, but are more suitable for already experienced professionals.

Thank you for reading and may your first step be successful 🙂

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