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Between bugs and code. Why testing isn't easier than programming

The modern world is a rapid development of technology, requiring the tester to constantly learn and adapt to new testing methods and tools. As the profession grows in popularity, the level of competition also increases, especially among testers with experience or additional skills. Therefore, those who want to enter the IT, namely the testing profession in 2024, will need to have significantly greater skills than their colleagues a few years ago, due to great competition and modern requirements.

If you have read motivational articles about how testing is the easiest way to work in IT, and you are sipping juice with a laptop on the seashore with the thoughts “well, this is not programming,” then I hasten to disappoint you a little. Testing and programming are two different fields, each with its own challenges and requirements. Here are a few reasons why testing is not always an easier task, and sometimes even more difficult, than programming:

  • Abstractness of testing: Unlike programming, where there are specific tasks and goals, testing often requires abstract thinking. It is necessary to create test cases that cover various aspects of the program's functionality, as well as anticipate possible errors that may occur.

  • Need for versatile knowledge: A good tester must have a deep understanding of the technologies and programming languages ​​that are used in the project in order to conduct testing effectively. This may require more knowledge and skills than simple programming.

  • Difficulty of reproducing bugs: Sometimes testing becomes difficult due to the difficulty of reproducing bugs, especially if they only appear in certain conditions or environments.

  • Responsibility for Quality: Testers are responsible for finding all possible errors in the software, which requires a high degree of care and detail. One missed error can lead to serious consequences in the operation of the program.

  • Constantly Learning and Adapting: Testing technologies and methods are constantly evolving, so testers must continually learn and adapt to new testing requirements and trends. If you are not prepared for the fact that your head will be filled with thoughts about errors in the code even after work – did I do everything correctly or could something be improved, and constant deliberation and learning, then testing is clearly not for you.

Did it scare you? :D. In this profession, indeed, not everything is so simple, but especially for those who are strong in spirit and not afraid, having read up to this point and thinking about the fact that they want to choose this profession or get acquainted with it, I wrote this detailed guide. He will help you join this profession. After all, as they say, it’s scary or difficult in training, but in real work, in battle it will be easy. Next, I will describe the main stages in software testing: for those who just want to get acquainted with this profession, and for those who are already familiar and want to choose a technology stack, decide on frameworks and look for their first job in IT.

Why become a tester and what will this profession give you?

By becoming a tester, you choose a profession that provides many opportunities and benefits. This area provides the opportunity to participate in the creation of quality software, ensuring its functionality, reliability and security. By developing in this profession, a tester acquires valuable skills such as analytical thinking, the ability to create effective test cases, skills in working with various testing tools, and communication skills to effectively interact with developers and other team members.

Cool skills you develop as a tester:

  • Analytical Thinking: Ability to analyze software product requirements and identify appropriate test cases to test functionality.

  • Technical Competency: Understanding of software fundamentals and ability to use testing tools such as test automation frameworks or error management systems.

  • Communication Skills: Ability to communicate effectively with development team members, formulate bug reports, and provide feedback to improve product quality.

  • Attention to detail: the ability to notice even the smallest defects in software and attention to detail when creating test cases.

  • Teamwork Ability: Ability to collaborate effectively with other team members to achieve the common goal of producing a high-quality software product.

The profession of a tester opens up broad prospects and opportunities for development in the field of information technology. Here are a few key points:

  • Career growth: Starting as a tester, you can gradually move up the career ladder, moving to more responsible and highly paid positions, such as a test manager, test architect or test automation specialist.

  • Flexible work options: Testers often have the opportunity to work remotely or on flexible schedules, which provides comfort and convenience to the job.

  • Wide range of industries: Testing skills are in demand in a variety of industries, including web development, mobile applications, gaming, medical technology and many others, giving the opportunity to choose and specialize in the area of ​​interest.

Testing Basics

What is testing and what does it involve?

  1. Testing is the process of checking software for errors and defects to ensure that it works as expected. It allows you to detect errors before the program reaches users, which helps to avoid problems and customer dissatisfaction.

  2. It is important to understand that testing is not only about detecting bugs, but also about preventing them in the early stages of writing software code.

  3. Through testing, we can ensure that users receive reliable and secure software, which contributes to their satisfaction and comfort with the product.

There are several main types of testing, including:

  • Functional testing: Testing a software product for compliance with functional requirements. Includes testing of all functions and capabilities of the application.

  • Load Testing: Evaluating the performance and stability of software under load to determine its ability to handle large numbers of users or volumes of data.

  • Integration testing: Testing the interactions between different software components or modules to ensure they work correctly together.

  • Acceptance Testing: Testing performed by the customer or end users to confirm that the software product meets their requirements and expectations.

  • Regression testing: Retesting software after changes or fixes have been made to ensure that those changes have not affected the operation of other parts of the system.

  • Automated Testing: Using special tools and scripts to automate test cases, thereby speeding up the testing process and increasing its efficiency.

These are just a few types of testing; there are many other approaches and methods that can be applied depending on the specific needs and characteristics of the project.

Hard skills

A tester must have certain skills to effectively perform his duties. If you are not familiar with something yet, you can simply start studying them one by one. You can use Google for help, and you don't have to buy paid courses for this. For example, there are many free videos on YouTube. Here are a few key ones:

  • Knowledge of testing methodologies: Understanding of basic testing methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, Scrum and their application in work.

  • Programming understanding: Basic knowledge of programming languages ​​(e.g. Java, Python, SQL) to develop and execute automated tests.

  • Ability to work with testing tools: Experience with testing tools such as Selenium, Appium, JMeter, Postman and others depending on the type of application being tested.

  • Database Knowledge: Understanding of databases and SQL to perform tests against data storage and processing requirements.

  • Ability to read and analyze code: Ability to read and analyze program code to identify potential problems and write effective tests.

  • Test design skills: Ability to develop high-quality test cases based on the requirements and functionality of the software product.

  • Technology and Platform Knowledge: Understand the underlying technologies and platforms on which the software runs in order to effectively test and identify issues.

  • Version control proficiency: Skills in working with version control systems such as Git for code management and team collaboration.

Finding a job or how to start a career

To find your first job as a software tester, you need to go through several stages, ranging from education, self-study to ongoing professional development.

Education and search for first job:

  1. Learning the basics. First, write down the most basic basic concepts for yourself. At this stage, you will gradually develop an idea of ​​the functionality and an understanding of where to move next. Just google: What is software testing, Test case, Defect (bug), Types of testing (e.g. functional, load, regression), Automated testing, Test script, Test plan, Test coverage, Black box and white box testing , Levels of Testing (e.g. Unit, Integration, System), Intersection Testing, Compatibility Testing, Test Tools (e.g. Selenium, JUnit), Manual Testing, User Scripts, Test Data, Test Report, Verification and Validation, Test Completion Criteria, Test environment.

  2. Self-education and courses. You don't have to buy paid courses. Choose any free course on testing, fortunately they are available on the Internet, or you can use this guide as a basis.

  3. Reading literature. Read the recommended books on software testing, from them you will be able to understand the basic principles and practices in this area, again they are in the public domain for free, Google will help you.

  4. Communities and like-minded people. Join testing communities. There are many different communities on social networks, in the same Telegram, in open areas, where you can always find like-minded people and clarify any questions you have with them. Don't be left alone with your questions.

  5. Writing a resume. This is your unique characteristic, so you shouldn’t use standard templates from the Internet, which will only be a plus for you. Focus on listing your technical skills, past testing knowledge, and any IT or testing-related experience, even if it was personal projects or volunteer work.

  6. Internships and volunteering. Many IT companies offer internship programs for students and graduates that allow them to gain experience working on real projects and learn how to use testing tools and methodologies.

  7. Practice. You can join open projects on GitHub, which are developed by a community of developers and testers. Participation in such projects will allow you to gain experience working in a team, as well as put your testing skills into practice.

Popular testing tools that you should start learning now

It is important for a tester to know and be able to work with a variety of tools and technologies. You can study each instrument separately. All you need is desire, a Google search bar, and attentiveness. Let's highlight the main tools, their names and features that you should include in your training:

  • Postman is a powerful API testing tool that allows you to send HTTP requests, analyze responses, and automate the API testing process.

  • DevTools in browsers give testers the ability to view and edit web pages in real time, as well as analyze network activity and performance.

  • Appium is a mobile application testing automation tool that supports various platforms such as iOS and Android and allows you to test applications on real devices or emulators.

  • Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating web application testing that allows you to record and playback user actions on web pages.

  • Charles Proxy is an HTTP and HTTPS monitoring tool that allows you to intercept and modify traffic between your computer and the Internet, useful for testing web and mobile applications.

  • Android Studio is not only a development environment for Android applications, but also a tool for testing them, including emulators for different devices and versions of Android.

  • MySQL is a database that it is important for a tester to be able to work with in order to verify and manipulate data used in applications.

  • Git is a version control system needed to work with code, including test scripts and documentation, allowing you to track changes and collaborate with developers.

  • Bash is a Unix/Linux command line that allows testers to use powerful text-based and web-based tools to automate tasks and analyze a system.

  • Jira with Xray or Zephyr plugins are indispensable tools for project management and bug tracking. They help organize the testing process, bug tracking and test case management.

  • TestRail is a test management platform that allows you to structure test cases, run tests, and track results in real time.

Popular tools in automated testing

As a rule, novice testers look for work in manual testing or combine manual and automated testing, and then move on to automation. It is worth noting that automation specialists receive more money, but their training takes longer and is more difficult.

Modern testing tools that will help you with automation:

  • Cypress is an automated testing framework for web applications that provides developers and testers with a convenient and powerful toolkit for creating, running and debugging tests directly in the browser. It has a simple and clear syntax and supports JavaScript and TypeScript.

  • Squish is a GUI test automation tool that allows you to write and run tests for GUI applications.

  • Appium is a framework for automating testing of mobile applications on various platforms, including iOS and Android, allowing you to interact with user interface elements and manage devices.

  • Robot Framework is an open source test automation tool that provides a simple syntax for writing tests and supports integration with various libraries and tools.

  • Cucumber is a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) testing automation tool that allows you to describe tests in natural language and automatically convert them into test scripts for execution.

  • Playwright is a web application testing automation tool that provides an API to interact with the browser and perform various actions such as page navigation, text input, and state checking.

  • Katalon Studio is an integrated development environment for test automation that provides powerful capabilities for creating and executing test scripts for web applications, mobile applications and APIs.

  • TestComplete is a test automation tool that enables you to record, create, and execute tests for web, desktop, and mobile applications with a wide range of functionality.

Career development and growth in the profession

If we remain stagnant and do not learn new things, then over time we may fall behind new trends and lose competitiveness in the job market. Growth and learning help us become better at our profession, expand our skills and capabilities, and become more valuable to our employers. Ultimately, constant development helps us reach new heights in our careers and achieve better results in our work.

In order to grow in the testing profession, it is important to follow several strategies:

  1. Training in new technologies and tools: Keep up with new technologies and tools in the field of testing, participate in courses, seminars and trainings, study documentation and guides on using new tools.

  2. Development of soft skills: Develop communication skills, teamwork, analytical thinking and problem solving skills, as these skills are also important for a successful tester.

  3. Professional communities: Involvement in professional circles, such as conferences, webinars, meetups and forums, opens up the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with like-minded people in your field.

  4. Certification: Earning professional certifications such as ISTQB can enhance your resume and validate your skill level. ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) offers various levels of certification, ranging from basics to advanced specializations.

Looks like you're almost ready to become a real testing guru!

Can you imagine what opportunities are opening up to you? Your career is ready to soar higher than the reaction of users to a bug in production :D! The future of your career prospects is as bright as a monitor screen after successfully passing all tests :D!

So don't give up, immerse yourself in a journey through the world of technology, practice, learn new tools and techniques. Remember that your soft skills play an important role.

Every day you'll learn something new, solve puzzles, and explore uncharted coding territories. And, of course, sometimes you have to deal with the dark forces of bugs and glitches, know that you are not alone in this.

If you have any questions, see you in the comments!

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