Battlegrounds in Roblox (PABG) – 12 lessons

We suggest you figure out how to make PUBG in Roblox. This is a popular battle royale game that modern children and teenagers love to play. If you are one of them, study the free instructions and video provided: they will help you understand how to make a PUBG clone in Roblox.

Making Battleground in Roblox is easy. If it seems otherwise, we are ready to convince you: the instructions below will help. Let us immediately note that the text guide is difficult to understand without minimal knowledge and experience, but you should not worry: in each section there is a video with detailed explanations from the school teacher Pixel. Thanks to them, creating Battlegrounds in Roblox can be significantly simplified. We also emphasize that it will not be possible to work quickly: each new step will require perseverance and thoughtfulness.

And now we propose to get to the point without unnecessary digressions.

Before creating a game in Roblox Studio: installing the program on your PC

A tutorial will help you understand how to install the required tools on your personal computer or laptop. video. Be sure to watch it if you are taking your first steps.

So, let's get down to the main part and begin the journey into the fascinating world of modeling and programming.

12 lessons on creating PUBG in Roblox: from the map and the first objects to details and your own code

Let us note once again that for convenience we have provided a text guide and training videos with a detailed description of the required actions. If difficulties arise at any stage of getting acquainted with the text, we advise you to immediately proceed to the video. This will simplify independent learning: in the videos, the Pixel school teacher spoke simply and with examples about what and how to do.

1. Island texture, map detailing, runway modeling and adding new objects

The first lesson will help you figure out how to make a map in Roblox Studio using the example of starting a PUBG project.

Let's do the following:

  1. Let's surround the space around the player with water.

  2. Let's go to the Terrain Editor and go to the Edit tab.

  3. Select Add and click on the stone.

  4. Let's create the first layer of the virtual island. This can be done without care, because the stone cannot be even.

  5. We will allocate space for the runway. It will need to be leveled. The Rectangle tool will help simplify the task.

  6. Let's put a layer of sand and soil with vegetation on the map, just like in PUBG.

  7. Let's cover the main space with finishing material. Let's take a brush and work with it.

There's not enough detail, don't you agree? Let's add some stone: take a brush with the appropriate material and use it pointwise.

Creating a map from scratch

Creating a map from scratch

Next steps:

  1. Creating a place for players. Let's put a little stone on it so that the corresponding area stands out.

  2. Runway simulation. To do this you will need to use the Terrain Editor. But everything is simpler than before: just apply mud material to the ground. Paint, Mud are our assistants. The strip needs to be raised: click on Add and add an additional layer, then align the object taking into account the new level. To smooth out the “roughness” we will use Smooth.

  3. Adding a game plane. You will need to select a model from the Toolbox and place it at the beginning of the strip.

  4. Modeling tables with weapons. Simple Parts, which we will make from Wood, will do. To simplify the task, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D: this is a good tool for copying already created Parts. Additionally, disable Move in the properties to expand the flat part of each table.

Adding Base Models

Adding Base Models

So, we started making a battle royale game on Roblox. If the text instructions seemed complicated, which we warned about, take a look training video. It describes the main points in more detail.

2. Improving the game map

We continue to figure out how to make Battleground in Roblox Studio. The second lesson will help with this.

We will need:

  1. Remove Baseplate and put up a barrier.

  2. Model buildings and add them to the map.

This is a difficult step, let's look at it separately.

First we'll make a store. Simple blocks will do, but let's start with a wooden base. To control the sizes we will use Move and Rotate. We use the same Part as before, but change the color: this will eliminate the monotony of the store. Duplicate the base and drag it to the top. But the roof must have complex geometry, so let's set the angle at 45 degrees in relation to the outer parts.

Store simulation

Store simulation

Now we need to create the walls. Solid modeling will help: select 2 blocks, one of which will need to be cut, and the other will need to be given the desired shape. Let's set the Negate property to the secondary object, located in the Model tab. Next, select the scissors of the required size, apply them and combine the blocks by clicking on Union.

Next, we will create a triangle and adjust it to the ideal size. Let's copy the resulting wall and paste it. The store is ready! All that's left is to add the details. For decoration, let's take previously created tables. There is not enough lighting: we'll deal with that later.

Now let's create a fire and benches. Procedure:

  1. Modeling dry branches. The Cylinder tool will work, but you'll need to make it smaller. Evenness is not necessary, because the branches are unlikely to be like that. Let's scatter them randomly. Let's copy the resulting object, make it smaller and place it in the same place to simulate detail.

  2. Add fire. Let's apply any block and use Fire. You can leave the default settings.

  3. We make a fence in the form of stones. They can be found in Toolbox. Let's place stones around the improvised fire and drown them a little.

  4. We create benches. This can be done using the same method used to model the tables. Let's create the chairs in the same way.

Terrain design: shops, area with a fire

Terrain design: shops, area with a fire

Finally, we can copy the store and place an additional similar object on our map. Using grass and dirt blocks, you can make paths to connect game objects. Let's also add a table with players and their statuses. Let's hover the cursor over ServerScriptService, click on the plus sign and apply the following script:

Image appears as text Automatically generated description

Player table script

More about the variables and functions in the first part of the code for Battlegrounds in Roblox is described in video. In it you can see how the created table will work.

3. Improving the Battleground mode in Roblox

Let's move on, where the third lesson will help. Let's:

  1. Let's create a container. A simple block will do. It needs to be given a rectangular shape.

  2. Let's add a hole using solid modeling. It is necessary for detailing the sides and creating supports.

  3. We detail the sidewalls. A springboard and an ordinary block will help. Let's create a model and disable the Move and Rotate bindings.

  4. Let's make supports in the form of columns. After creating one, you just need to copy and paste it as many times as required.

  5. Let's combine the elements by pressing Ctrl + G.

Container Modeling

Container Modeling

Now you need to close the space between the supports. Let's take a simple block and use metal. Let's stretch the first one into the container and adjust it to size.

Next we will make the doors:

  1. Let's add a plate and copy it several times, placing it in the required areas, say, along the edges of the container.

  2. Let's create handles. Let's turn to the Toolbox again to find the required object. We also recommend looking for door hinges there.

Now you need to create a site with several containers. Let's combine the parts of the base model and start copying it. Players will be able to jump on created objects.

Next, let's add trees:

  • Let's go to Toolbox and click on the Plugin tab.

  • Let's introduce the keyword – tree.

  • Let's place the required number of corresponding objects on the map.

Map design: tree generation, container duplication

Map design: tree generation, container duplication

Let's also make the sky more realistic. Let's go to the models tab and find a suitable skybox.

To finish off the tutorial, let's create a ladder to climb onto the runway. Simple blocks will do, and to make a frame, just change the angle of inclination. You can take a block of wood.

Before moving on to the fourth lesson, we will set an anchor in relation to all objects: this way they will become static and will not fall. Additionally, we will create new paths to the containers and stairs.

If you can’t understand what and how to do, be sure to watch video.

4. Improvement of the basic battle royale map in Roblox

We suggest finalizing the main map and moving on to the next one, intended for battles. Steps:

  1. Creation of an airplane model. Let's add space to simulate the body. Let's expand it so that players can move freely inside. A simple block that will need to be stretched will do. Additional details can be created using reduced block objects.

Design inside the aircraft

Design inside the aircraft

  1. Adding a mini-island. It will make the map more rich. The already familiar Terrain Editor will help. If you want, you can create several small islands.

New island on the map

New island on the map

  1. Construction of a sniper tower. Simple blocks are a good solution. Let's simplify the model as much as possible. It is necessary to make 4 levels: a foundation and 3 floors, fastened with wooden crosses. We’ll also make a top: there will be guards on it – observers monitoring the behavior of the players.

Building a tower using solid modeling

Building a tower using solid modeling

  1. Construction of stairs. It will be vertical; we will not use additional blocks. Let's take a rectangle and make the first step, copy it and paste it the required number of times.

Finally, we will create a readiness zone for the players. Let's duplicate the block created at the very beginning and disband it. Next, you need to rename the trigger and disable collision so that characters can freely pass through the object. At the end we will write a script, which is clearly presented in training video.

Script for player readiness zone

Script for player readiness zone

5. Adding a new card

The fifth lesson on how to make Battlegrounds in Roblox will lead us to creating a new map.

We will not describe the actions in too much detail here and further: we are already familiar with the basic tools. Therefore, let us present some general points. So we need:

  1. Select a baseplate and start editing it.

  2. Model an object with hangars. It will be possible to get into this zone only through a parachute jump or through a post. Let's go to the Terrain Editor and create the required area.

  3. Add an island the same way we did in the first lesson. Let's place the already created sniper tower on it, copy it and paste it several times.

  4. Make hangars. A cylinder will do. The first such object will be placed on the edge. Next, after finalizing the details and using new colors, we will use copy and paste. As before, let's add doors and additional elements. Let’s also apply a camouflage texture: go to the Image tab and select the desired option.

Finally, we will add lighting elements, create asphalt using a square and level it.

Modeling hangars from scratch

Modeling hangars from scratch

If you're new, be sure to watch the next one. video tutorial.

6. Refinement of the object

We have almost figured out how to make Battleground in Roblox Studio. But we need to refine the details and create more objects to achieve compliance with the PABG.

In the sixth lesson:

  1. Let's make a passage to the object. A metal bridge will be required. First we will use a springboard to simulate a rise, and then a rectangle. Remember to copy: it will make the basic steps easier.

  2. Let's create the landscape of an additional island. Let's use grass and stones.

  3. Let's add decorative elements for the bridge. Let's take the destroyed cars from the Toolbox and arrange them as required.

A bit empty? We agree: let's model an ammunition box. Let's use the block as a base and extend it.

Adding a bridge and designing an additional island

Adding a bridge and designing an additional island

We will also add a fence that will shock players. We will write a script for it in the seventh lesson. And the structure itself will be created from beams and wire.

Electric fence

Electric fence

Details are described and clearly shown with examples in sixth training video.

7. Refinement of the electric fence and scripts for it

We know how to create a map in Roblox Studio, but we haven't done much programming for the game yet. Lesson seven will help you fix this.

So let's get started:

  1. Let's write a script for the fence. What it should be like is shown in the screenshot below.

Image appears as text Automatically generated description

Code for electric fence

  1. Let's create a health bar. Let's go to the Startergui folder and add Screengui. Let's call the object Healthbar. Let's insert Screengui into the frame as a red line. Color is important.

  2. Let's make the second frame green. It will indicate actual health. In the Size property, be sure to specify {1,0}, {1,0}. The new frame will stretch across the entire health bar.

  3. Let's add a text label to the second frame. Let's create the inscription HP.

  4. Let's program the created strip. The required code is shown in the screenshot.

Image appears as text Automatically generated description

Program for life strip

If you run the code, you can see that everything works.

Healthbar appearance

Healthbar appearance

Bonus: let's make a house.

Adding an additional house

Adding an additional house

What is needed, a teacher at Pixel School in the seventh told video tutorial. We recommend viewing!

8. Filling out a new card: warehouse, garage

We will continue to study and improve the new map. Need to:

  1. Create a full-fledged door, like in the original PUBG. It is necessary that when you press E it opens. Let's apply Proximityprompt and write a script. But first, let's model the base object.

  2. Prepare a model of the door. We use already familiar simple blocks and Parts. We will combine the door with the base. You will need to create frames. Let's simplify the task by copying, but we will duplicate Side, not Hinge.

Creating a door

Creating a door

  1. Write a script. It is shown in the screenshot.

Image appears as text Automatically generated description

Code for opening and closing the door

Now let's continue filling out the map. Let's make a small building in the form of a warehouse, a fence and a garage. They diversify the map.

We will create the warehouse from white wood. We will make the roof brick. We have already talked about construction, so we will not repeat it. Additionally, we will create a fence and a garage using familiar materials and tools.

Garage simulation

Garage simulation

We recommend viewing training video: It will make it easier to understand the required actions.

9. Filling the island with buildings and other objects: beach, parking

Let's start with the coast. Let's place several houses on it, for which you can copy already created objects. Additionally, we will create bushes and place them around the houses.

Also let's:

  1. Let's add trees. Let them be small: set the Scale to 0.1. Let's dilute the general background and place larger trees on the island. Scale 0.3 works well to achieve this goal.

  2. Let's work on the beach area. We will place a rescue tower on it, which is not difficult to make in the same way as in the process of creating sniper towers with platforms. We will also add a fire and some vegetation to the beach.

Creating a beach with towers

Creating a beach with towers

  1. Let's fill the city with objects. You can use various buildings created earlier, and also add parking.

Parking design

Parking design

You will find clarity and examples in ninth self-study video.

10. Map update: new buildings and armor

In the video presented at the end of the section, you will find additional objects. They were created by our subscribers and can be used to add variety to the map.

And we continue the course of creating a PUBG mode in Roblox with the following actions:

  1. Creation of body armor. Let's take simple blocks, and to adjust the sizes we use the NPC placed on the map using Build Rig. After creating the model, let's add an Accessory and use the name BodyFrontAttachment. Next, we write the script, as in the screenshot.

Script for reservation

Script for reservation

  1. Adding additional body armor. Let there be a more massive model with improved armor. Two versions are enough. In the code for the second option, in the lines with MaxHealth, change the values ​​to larger ones to achieve the desired effect.

Appearance of the armor

Appearance of the armor

Don't forget to watch video.

11. Creation of a first aid kit and additional parts

Playing an imitation of PUBG without a first aid kit would not be so interesting, so let's create one. To make things easier, let's select a model in the Toolbox. A script will be required. An example is shown below.

Program for first aid kit

Program for first aid kit

The code will help establish the principles of operation of the first aid kit. So, let's say, when the player encounters it, the current health increases by 50 units. The item is erased from the card.

Now let's make sure that players appear at the spawn point by jumping with a parachute. Let's take the model from the first island and edit it slightly. You will need to add the missing Parts and apply the transparency mode. This way the character will not fall through the textures.

Parachute jump

Parachute jump

Next you need to create a player counter. To do this:

  1. Let's make Screengui in Startergui.

  2. Let's add a frame. It needs to be filled out. In one label we will write “Survivors”, for the other we will program the output of numbers. The required code is shown below.

Adding a player counter

Adding a player counter

The counter shows that there are two players left

The counter shows that there are two players left

There's one last lesson left, so let's get to it. But first look eleventh training video.

12. Creating a teleport and other finishing touches

At this stage, we are fluent in the Create function and other tools, we know how full-fledged game worlds are created and what to do to program their full “life”. So let's complete the series of lessons and finalize our project.

Need to:

  1. Place a special Part on the plane. When touching it, the player will move to another location. When the object is ready, let's write the code as shown below.

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Teleport script: plane touch

  1. Consider switching to another card. To, say, program a return to the first island after death, you need to write a script, as in the screenshot.

Image appears as text Automatically generated description

Code for moving between maps

  1. Add new objects.

The teacher at Pixel School spoke about the latter in the twelfth video for self-learning how to use Roblox.

We hope everything worked out for you. If the text does not help, we recommend the video tutorials provided. All videos are collected in one playlist for convenience.

In conclusion, please tell us how it all went. Did you manage to create a project based on PUBG?

The material was prepared by Pixel school teachers. We invite you to join us if you are 9 years old14 years old and want to learn simulate And program by using Roblox and Roblox Studio tools.

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