Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren

Well, have the kids gone to school? Flowers have been given, the assemblies on Knowledge Day have successfully ended. Now you can expect regular “Mom, I don't understand” and “We have a homework assignment for tomorrow.” And there is nothing wrong with helping the most important person in your life figure out a task. It is bad when the school forces parents to study again. They do it all the time anyway.

It's good that technology has given us a lot of helpers that make it easier for schoolchildren to solve complex problems (and often not just complex, but unsolvable). We tell you how artificial intelligence (or rather, AI services) can help a schoolchild study well.


Copying is bad. And it's not just about the developing habit of stealing someone else's content. A student who “copied” someone else's work loses the ability to think independently, does not acquire the skills he will need in adulthood, and does not accustom himself to mental work.

Artificial intelligence, like any technology, can be used for good or for harm. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its use by schoolchildren with extreme caution. In elementary grades, when basic knowledge and skills are being laid, it is better to do without using AI services at all. They will only harm children’s learning to think independently, build logical chains and create.

But already in high school, various neural networks can become excellent assistants. Educational content increases in volume and becomes more complex, the volume of independent work of a student, which requires searching for the necessary information, grows, and here various services can make this work more productive and effective.

In addition, AI eliminates routine. And it is this that often causes disgust towards studying in a grown-up child, since it requires not so much knowledge and skills as time, which is categorically in short supply.

Finally, AI is a great source of additional knowledge in many areas. And, above all, in the one that is most interesting to the student. If he has an inclination towards mathematics, then neural networks will become suppliers of complex problems. If you like foreign languages, then you can study them much more deeply than is implied by the school curriculum.

So. AI as a convenient cheat sheet is very bad. AI as a source of knowledge and skills is great.

Why does a schoolchild need AI?

Even if a teacher is an enthusiast and an innovator, he or she is physically unable to provide an individual approach to each child. And learning, as we understand, is a process that depends on the unique characteristics of the child and requires taking into account his or her inclinations, strengths and weaknesses. Finally, to be effective, it must be interesting.

The beauty of many AI services is that they take these features into account. That is why AI can give a student what is so lacking in school – an individual approach. It is in this, in individuality, that a tutor has an advantage over a teacher.

It is not that a private teacher knows the subject better – and the teacher has knowledge sufficient to present the school program. A tutor can find the shortest path to the consciousness of the child with whom he is working. A teacher who is forced to be equally attentive to two or three dozen children in a class simply does not have such an opportunity.

Now let's see how and in what way individual AI services can help a student.


Actually, we'll start with tutors. Character AI imitates representatives of different professions, and teachers are one of its characters. Here you can find tutors in math, English, or even computer science. The beauty of Character AI is that it can teach a child to think creatively – this is the direction in which the chatbot builds a dialogue: it asks leading questions, leads to solving the problem, in other words, it teaches how to find a solution independently, rather than receiving ready-made answers.


Many of the assignments that students receive at school involve searching for information. The beauty of using the same YandexGPT or Perplexity for searching is that you can get a summary, rather than study a lot of links that are selected according to a not entirely clear principle. By the way, the same applies to searching for images.


It is absolutely impossible to demand from a schoolchild knowledge of a foreign language (we, of course, primarily mean English) in the volume that is necessary for full-fledged work with artificial intelligence (and for normal web surfing in general). Therefore, there is nothing wrong with using translators. You can use publicly available Google or Yandex services. But it is better if the translator also interprets the translated text, offers various options or phrases. For this, you can use DeepL. The beauty of this translator is that it works with the nuances of the language, offers more precise formulations and even suggests what style of text to use.


Another problem of a modern schoolchild is the ability to correctly present the results of their work. That is, to draw (in PowerPoint or on paper) a presentation. In the worst case, it will be text placed on slides, or a set of different-sized pictures. Gamma AI makes presentations that maintain a balance of text and graphics. And at the same time, it teaches how to correctly present information so that it shows the results of the work and is understandable to others. The same tasks can be solved using ChatBCG.


The child draws well, but is not good with computer graphics. Instead of running to the store for a graphics tablet, you can use Google AutoDraw: it turns scanned drawings into clip art that can be used to design work done on the computer. By the way, if the student is not at all gifted at drawing (which is not uncommon!), then a picture can be generated based on a text description. NightCafe does this.

Working with multimedia

A huge amount of useful content that is available on the Internet today is video. This is not scary in itself, but watching videos takes time. Therefore, a service that allows you to make a summary is especially valuable for a schoolchild. For these purposes, we recommend Glasp. With the help of this neural network, you can translate a video or transcribe it – already a lot. After all, it is much easier to process text than speech.


For those who have a penchant for the queen of sciences – mathematics, additional classes with deep immersion are necessary. For this, there is MathGPT. It also helps to understand the essence of the task, which schoolchildren often simply do not understand. The same neural network explains complex formulas – and this will be useful for high school students.

Announce the entire list

It is simply impossible to list all the services that can be useful to a schoolchild. Therefore, if you want to find an intellectual assistant for your child, use the catalog of neural networks. It contains links to many networks – both universal and specialized. You can find it Here.

Artificial Intelligence as an (Extra)Curricular Subject

And the last thing. You can work fully with services based on neural networks only if you know how to interact with them correctly. Therefore, you need to start using the services by learning these not very complicated rules. You will hardly be taught query creation skills at school. Therefore, take care of this yourself.

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