Approaches to Using Git and Version Control

In this article, I'd like to look at code management techniques for Swift projects, with a particular focus on version control systems and the various branching models that help organize app development and release. We'll discuss how effective code management can speed up the development process, improve stability, and simplify team collaboration.

Code Management Basics

Proper code management is essential for successful Swift development, especially in a team. Using version control systems like Git helps track changes, coordinate work between developers, and maintain code quality. One popular branching model in Git is GitFlow, but other approaches like GitHub Flow or Trunk-Based Development are also worth considering.

Branching Models in Git


GitFlow, proposed by Vincent Driessen, includes several key branches:

  • main (or master): Branch with production code. All releases and stable builds come from this branch.

  • develop: Branch for integrating new features and fixes. This is the “roadmap” for the next release.

Also used:

  • Feature branches: For developing new features. These branches are created from develop and after completing the work they merge back into develop.

  • Release branches: To prepare for the release. These branches are created from develop and include the last changes before the merger in main.

  • Hotfix branches: For urgent fixes of errors in production. Created from main and merge back into main And develop.

GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow is more simplified and suitable for projects with frequent releases. The main principles are:

  • main: The main branch containing stable code. All changes are made via pull requests.

  • Feature branches: Created by mainmerge into main after completion of work and verification.

Trunk-Based Development

This approach minimizes the use of long branches by concentrating all changes in one main branch (tracking). Developers create short-lived branches for tasks that are quickly merged into the main branch.

Practical Application for Swift

Creating and Managing Branches

  1. Creating a Feature Branch: When you start working on a new feature, create a branch from develop (For example, feature/user-auth). Make changes and test the code.

  2. Creating a Pull Request: Once you've completed your feature, create a pull request in develop to conduct code review and testing.

  3. Merger and Release: After testing and approval, merge the branch into developand then create a release branch from develop for final testing and merging into main.

Error Handling

  1. Bug Fixes in Release: If a critical bug is found in production, create a hotfix branch from main (For example, hotfix/critical-bug). After fixing and testing, merge the branch back into main And develop.

  2. Working with Feature Branches: For large tasks, create additional development branches from the main feature branch to improve collaboration between developers.


Proper version control and use of branching models are key to successful Swift app development. The GitFlow model offers a structured approach to organizing the development process, especially for teams working on complex projects with regular releases. However, for smaller projects or startups, simpler models such as GitHub Flow may be more suitable.

Ultimately, the choice of branching model depends on the specifics of the project and the team. It is important to choose an approach that provides flexibility, transparency, and high code quality.

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