Answers to questions for Programmer's Day. Comments are open ;-)

So, we collected and counted the answers. Obviously, the authors tried their best to answer the questions; no one answered them all. The absolute leader is @VYudachev, in second place with a large gap from the rest and a small gap from the leader – @AlexEremenko

For others, the answers given by the authors are hidden in gray. You can test your strength, logic and erudition. Thanks to all participants, well done, some of the answers were very funny!

  • If the 8-bit god was asked what the largest number is, what would he answer?


  • How do you understand that a project needs to be rewritten?

    When the time to refactor the code to implement changes (features) is greater than the time to write the code for the change (features) itself. The score is meaningful.

  • According to legend, HE is the eye of the heavenly white eagle, which, after a battle with a black sorcerer, fell to Earth and became stone. Another OH cost about 4,000 rubles and for many became the first guide to the world of programming.


  • Which came first, print(), or 'Hello world!' as a phrase that every programmer has come across?

    print(), because without him there would be no 'Hello world!'

  • What is the difference between a gamer and a game tester?

    One spends money and the other earns. The score is meaningful.

  • One of the tattoos ironically symbolizes the separation of one from the other and at the same time the inseparability of one from the other. In code, both one and the other are also often inseparable. Name one and the other in any language.

    Credit according to the meaning.

  • One funny picture on the Internet brings together a theater, a fox, a lion, an old dirty toilet and the COLOR that is in the fox, the lion and the theater. What word did the author replace with the word “COLOR”?


  • If the stone is 0, the paper is 31 and the scissors are 6, then what numbers are used to say “excellent”, “I’ll dial”?

    1, 17. In a fist, bent fingers are zeros, and straightened ones are considered as a binary number system

  • It cannot be said that they were tossed 6 times harder on bumps of the same height. But it was clearly uncomfortable for them to sit and they actually stood while driving. So I still had to do something for them so that they wouldn’t be thrown away altogether. What exactly did you do for them?

    “Seat belts”. They were installed on four-wheeled transport planetary rovers for the movement of people on the surface of the Moon.

  • MRI, X-ray, “breathe-don’t-breathe”, tapping. Think about the fact that there was someone who first started knocking and – name the container.

    Barrel. In 1761, a book by the young doctor Auenbrunner, dedicated to the recognition of diseases, was published in Vienna. It began with words of gratitude to the doctor's father, a hereditary brewer, for the original idea – tapping the patient's chest, by analogy with tapping beer barrels. This is how the inspection of beer barrels led to the medical method of research.

  • Traffic laws in one state in the United States recommend that new parents buy a large teddy bear and put it in the car. And to what place?

    In place of a child. It is recommended to buy a large toy and put the child in the seat, it is located in the back. When they put a child in a car, this large toy is moved (!) to a seat next to the driver. When getting out of the car, in the parking lot near the store and other places, the driver sees out of the corner of his eye this large toy on the front passenger seat and REMEMBERS (!!!) that not only he, but also his child is sitting in the car! It seems that in the States there have been repeated cases when young parents simply forgot(!) their child in the car.

  • When there is a lot, a literal ocean of water around, what is missing?

    Drinking water.

  • It appeared 280 years ago. And the hammer started knocking. And success came. And 26 years ago, someone decided to simply sell the same thing on the Internet. And then he achieved phenomenal success in this. Because there is simply no cooler one now. Name the subject they both started with.

    Books. 1) Sotheby's started by selling books. And the hammer started knocking. 2) Bezos started by selling books online. Yep – AMAZON.

  • If you install a 48-cylinder engine on a motorcycle, you will need one more cylinder. What is this one cylinder for?

    For the starter. There is usually no starter in a motorcycle, because the battery is low-power. Therefore, the role of the starter is performed by a person’s foot, with which he, pressing a special lever sharply down, starts the motorcycle. But you can’t start 48 cylinders with such a starter. That’s why they added another cylinder, which starts from the foot, and once started, it plays the role of a starter for starting 48 cylinders (then turns off).

  • Cards are distributed to all crew members. They play until the commander has the worst cards. Yes, he was already very unlucky. What should everyone do?

    Fly (go to the start, board the rocket). After this game of cards, the crew goes to the start. He was already unlucky once today.

  • A famous artist depicted a sleigh. The sleigh didn't move. The artist put a woman in a sleigh. The sleigh didn't move. The artist placed a horse in front of the sleigh. The sleigh didn't move.

    The people stood around and looked at the sleigh, the horse and the woman sitting in the sleigh. And then the artist depicted another character, and the sleigh drove off! Who did the artist depict to make the sleigh move?

    Running boy. He copied the noblewoman from a real Old Believers whom he met at the Rogozhskoe cemetery. I saw “The Holy Fool” at the market, he was selling cucumbers. Surikov persuaded him to pose in the snow and generously paid for all his suffering. The man with the staff behind the holy fool is partly a self-portrait; it is common for artists to place themselves in a historical context. Everything was thought out and done, but the sleigh “didn’t move.” And then Surikov wrote in a running boy, who set everything in motion.

  • First World War. German submarines are hunting for enemy ships. Tell me, how did the British “increase the speed” of their ships so that the torpedoes missed?

    A large breaker was painted at the bow of the ship and it seemed to the submariners that the enemy ship was moving at full speed.

  • There are very large states where people, being in the same country but far from each other, live differently. And there is a country like Lebanon – where a person on the sofa in front of the TV can find himself right in the car. Name this car.

    Time machine. In Lebanon, there is a dispute between Christians and Muslims over daylight saving time: each TV channel in Lebanon broadcasts the time adopted by the party behind the channel, so that a situation is created in which there is a gap of one hour between different TV channels in Lebanon.

  • When you get money from an ATM, you are being fooled. Which organ of yours is being deceived?

    Hearing. The rustle of bills in an ATM is an “imitation” (fake) and is carried out through a microspeaker and an electronic chip.

  • Recently a letter that was previously used in the box surfaced. “Friction” in court is possible. Name the letter.

    X (Xbox)

  • There is a version that this projectile was invented by hunters. They had to look far away. To see the prey. But there were no trees in those parts. What kind of thing did they come up with?

    Trampoline. The hunters came up with a “trampoline”, since there were no trees on the shore, the shore was flat, so in order to see something further into the sea they came up with a trampoline!

  • Name an animal that has phenomenal memory. Because otherwise he will get stuck: immobility and death from hunger await him.

    Spider. Part of the web is not sticky and the spider walks along this part. And he needs to know this part “by heart”, otherwise he will get stuck in his own web.

  • A little more than a couple of centuries ago, Russian soldiers were taught that they were “tramps”, and their enemy was “dogs”. What were the soldiers trying to memorize in this way?

    Flags (color of flags). Tramps – bo-sya-ki – white, blue, red. Russian flag. Dogs – so-ba-ki – blue, white, red. French flag. Mnemonics. The flags can be seen from afar. Soldiers from the villages of Russia had to somehow be taught to distinguish between these flags.

  • Three years into the war, a typewriter was patented. What was she typing?

    Sheet music. The question specifically omitted the preposition “before” – three years BEFORE the war. The machine was invented in 1936. The war began in 1939.

  • So far, only 6 of them have been installed using 11,12,14,15,16,17 – but the first of them fell. What did they install and where?

    US flags on the moon. Apollo13 did not reach the Moon. And when 11 launched from the Moon, its jet lifted, dust that knocked down the flag.

  • One famous doctor demanded to raise his fee, took a desperate step and killed a man. Who is this doctor and why did he do this?

    It was Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, he considered this series not the most successful of his books, and the publisher, as well as the readers, demanded a continuation from him. True, he still had to resurrect Sherlock later.

  • Russians call it an ear, Americans call it an eye. This is seen in scripture as a likely tunnel for a custom ship.

    Eye of a needle.

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