Amendments to Resolution 719

PP 719 with latest changes

PP 719 with latest changes

From July 1, important changes to Government Resolution No. 719, regulating the confirmation of the Russian origin of industrial products, should come into force. New project provides for changes regarding deadlines, procedures, list of required documents and other aspects. The first version of the bill was published for public discussion on March 12. Then we reviewed it and criticized it for being “damp”.

And on May 31, a new version of the project was published, practically no different in essence, but presented in a more intelligible and structured manner. Now a document introducing significant changes to procedure for confirming the Russian origin of products, is under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation. Let us describe the main changes in more detail.

Renaming the resolution

One of the first changes will be the renaming of Government Resolution 719. The new title is “On confirmation of the production of Russian industrial products.”

Changing the confirmation procedure

The key change in PP 719 is the abolition of the procedure for obtaining an opinion from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. To enter products into the register of Russian industrial products, it will now be enough to obtain either an examination certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), or an ST-1 certificate, or a special investment contract, if no more than three years have passed since the conclusion of the contract.

New note in Appendix 719 PP

New Note 54 in the appendix to PP 719:

  • Examination certificates and ST-1 certificates issued in member countries of the Union State (Belarus) are equivalent to those issued in the Russian Federation. However, there are a number of exceptions to OKPD 2.

  • Components that meet the requirements are equivalent to components manufactured in the Russian Federation, provided that at least 50% of production operations are performed in the Russian Federation for products from Section III and at least 20% for other products.

New application requirements

When submitting an application, you will now need to provide a certificate of the volume of products produced for the past and current years, if the products did not begin to be produced only in the current year. The submitted application will be considered depending on the type of product:

  • For products under SPIC – Ministry of Industry and Trade. The decision to include products in the RPP register will be made by an authorized person of the Ministry of Industry.

  • For products from Section IX (electronics) and goods not included in Appendix 719 of the resolution – CCI. If the Chamber of Commerce and Industry makes a positive decision, the products will be included in the RPP automatically.

  • For other goods with OKPD 2 from the appendix to 719 PP – Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and then within 10 days the Ministry of Industry and Trade will check the application. The decision to include products in the RPP register will also be made by an authorized person of the Ministry of Industry.

Deadlines and information entered into the register

Inclusion of products in the register on the basis of SPIC or ST-1 will occur for a period of three years. For the examination certificate and the certificate of assessment of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – for the period specified in them, but not more than three years.

The specified register includes the following information:

a) date, validity period and registration entry number;

b) name of the legal entity or full name of the individual entrepreneur;

c) INN, OGRN – for legal entities,
‎main state number of an individual entrepreneur – ‎for individual entrepreneurs;

d) location address – for a legal entity or registration address – for an individual entrepreneur. And the address of the location of industrial production for both cases;

e) name of the product and its OKPD 2 and TN VED codes;

f) details of technical specifications, service standards, technological regulations or national standards according to which the products are manufactured;

g) for industrial goods with localization indicators:

the number of points scored, the maximum possible number of points and the percentage of the maximum possible number;

h) for REP, which provides for attribution
for radio-electronic products of the first level or second level – information about the established level;

i) date and details of the document that made changes to the entry (if any);

j) construction number / identification number of the vessel, for shipbuilding products from group 30.11 in accordance with OKPD 2 (if available);

k) vehicle type/chassis type approval number (for wheeled vehicles).

Annual reporting

Manufacturers of products included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade are required annually, before April 1, to provide information on the volume of purchased components included in the register of industrial products, the use of which was confirmed upon inclusion. Also information about the production and shipment of their products, which are in the register of industrial enterprises.


There are less than 3 weeks left until the proposed start date of the project, but there is no further progress towards its adoption. The bill should simplify the procedure for manufacturers, but requires them to understand new aspects. At the same time, there are rumors about changes in the procedure for radio-electronic products, including TORP, and the abolition of 878 RF PP from September 1.

In any case, no matter what changes are approved, we will definitely tell you about them and make changes to our articles about the inclusion of products in the register of Russian products.

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