All About Home Security Systems in 2024

In 2016, my husband and I bought a small house in the Moscow region. We didn't bother much with security, since we had a guard for the village. But in 2022, thieves broke into our house: they took everything they could, and broke everything they couldn't. One of the neighbors called the police, but they arrived only 50 minutes later.


A grandfather wakes up at night at his dacha and sees thieves stealing his potatoes – his entire harvest! He calls the police:

  • — Some goats here want to steal all my potatoes!

  • – We apologize, but there is not a single patrol car nearby – goodbye.

    Calls in 5 minutes:

  • – You don’t have to come anymore – I shot them all!

    Three minutes later, three patrol cars arrive, the Russian National Guard and the OMON. They tie up all the thieves, the chief approaches the grandfather and says:

  • – But you said you shot everyone!

  • – Well, that's what they told me, that there are no patrol cars.

This summer thieves broke into our neighbors' house. After that, my husband and I decided to install a security system.

They approached the issue thoroughly: they requested the control plan; asked those who had already installed security; found out who works with what equipment and what is best to install to protect the house. The result is a detailed analysis of the most common security equipment on the market with prices. At the end of the article is a table with a brief content.

Important: In this review I discuss equipment for home security, without smoke detectors, water leaks, gas leaks, etc.

1. Gulf Stream

Link to the site→

One of the most famous security systems in Moscow. They work on their own equipment.

  • Home Security Kit: Control panel, keyboard, door and window opening sensors, three contactless keys, motion sensors with photo recording.

  • Price: equipment RUB 41,850 + RUB 3,390 subscription fee.

Gulfstream Control Panel

This is the heart of the security system. It is responsible for collecting and transmitting signals from all devices to the monitoring station in case of an alarm.


  • Powered by 220 V network + equipped with a backup battery with the potential to operate without electricity for 12 hours. If the power goes out, the control panel will continue to operate and send signals.

  • Two communication channels with the monitoring center – via Internet modules (WI-FI, Ethernet) and GSM. The monitoring center is where the alarm signal is sent. In this case, the signal can be sent either via the Internet or via mobile radio.

  • There is protection against opening the case. If a thief tries to rip off the sensor, a signal will be sent to your app and to the monitoring station.

Gulfstream Keyboard

This is a small console for entering a code to arm/disarm the house.


  • Works wirelessly, therefore, it can be installed even after the repairs have been completed.

  • There is a built-in 85 dB siren. If the system detects an intrusion, a siren is activated, with a signal volume similar to that of a motorcycle with a muffler.

  • Built-in SOS button. It is possible to send a signal for help to the monitoring center.

  • The set includes personal keys. This is convenient if you have children. You just need to put the key to disarm the house. The mobile app will receive a signal about who entered the house.

  • The battery life on one charge is 4 years.


  • The ambulance call function is not implemented. There are signs on the keyboard that you can call an ambulance, but in fact this does not work.

Door and window opening sensors Gulfstream

The easiest way for an intruder to get into your home is to break into a window or door. According to statistics, thieves most often enter through windows. The easiest way to secure your home is to install this type of sensor.


  • Works with night security mode. This is when only some of the sensors are activated. For example, before going to bed, you set the house to security, but switch one of the sensors to inactive mode so that you can open a window for ventilation.

  • You can additionally connect a wired opening sensor. For example, you can set up protection for two window sashes at once or a garage door with a large gap.

  • Integrates with the Gulfstream mobile application. If an alarm is triggered, for example, when someone tries to break into a window, a warning signal is sent to the app.


  • Not a cheap sensor when compared to similar ones. It costs 2,990 rubles, while competitors’ prices average 1,990 rubles.

Motion sensor with photo fixation Gulfstream

Wireless motion sensor that takes photos on alarm.

*I will not consider the motion sensor without photo fixation separately, since the characteristics are the same. With the exception of the lack of a camera.


  • Built-in camera. This function has two advantages: 1) when an alarm is triggered, the system takes 3 photos and sends them to the monitoring center. This reduces the number of false calls, 2) the response team, if there are no visible reasons for the break-in, will not enter the private territory. In this case, the photo will be proof that someone is inside.

  • Photos upon request. You can take pictures of the room from the app at any time.

  • Built-in flash. You can take pictures even at night.

  • Immunity to domestic animals up to 25 kg. If you have pets, you can adjust the sensitivity so that the sensor does not give false alarms.

  • Remote sensitivity adjustment. If the sensor gives false alarms for a pet, specialists can remotely lower the sensitivity.

  • Works for 5 years on one battery charge.


  • IR object detection only. There are more modern sensors that use microwave radiation in addition to IR radiation. This gives fewer false alarms.

  • Quite an expensive sensor.


Link to the site→

The second most common security agency. The most difficult thing to figure out was their equipment, since the kits that are installed are different from those shown on the site. Actually, this is what prompted me to write a review.

DELTA uses equipment from C-Nord. Previously, they also worked with Hikvision, but now there are no equipment deliveries, since the company (Hikvision) is leaving Russia.

  • Home Security Kit: Control panel, keyboard, door and window opening sensors, motion sensors, window breakage sensors.

  • Price: equipment RUB 34,100 + installation RUB 2,700 + subscription fee RUB 2,690.

Control panel C-Nord

DELTA included a wireless control panel C-nord Pro Air in my kit, so below I will analyze this option.


  • In terms of cost, this is a budget model.

  • Works from a 220 V network + equipped with a backup battery with the potential to operate without electricity for 6 hours.

  • There is protection against opening the case. If a thief tries to rip off the sensor, a signal will be sent to your app and to the monitoring station.


  • The siren is built into the control panel. This is quite a strong vulnerability, since the control panel is the heart of the security system, and if an intruder discovers it, he can disable the system.

  • One communication channel with the monitoring center is GSM. If the cellular connection is cut off, the signal will not reach the security agency.

Keyboard C-Nord


  • There is a siren. It is she who becomes the cause of failed robberies.

  • Wireless model. Easy to install, installers will not ruin your renovation.

  • The battery life on one charge is 2 years.

  • There is an option to install a wired model (it is cheaper by about 20%). The only thing to keep in mind is that it is better to install wired models before the repairs are done, so that the installers do not spoil anything.


  • There is a built-in SOS button, but it is not easy to find. You can send a signal for help to the monitoring center from the keyboard. The only thing is that the SOS button is hidden from view – to send an alarm signal, you need to simultaneously press two buttons “arming” and “partial security mode”.

  • There is no night mode. The button is there, but the function is not implemented.

Door and window opening sensors Si-Nord

DELTA installs two types of door/window opening sensors. There is a cheaper option, there is a more expensive one, the difference is in size (cheaper – 11.2 x 4.1 cm, more expensive – 9.5 x 2.5 cm).


  • Integrates with the DELTA app and also sends a signal to the monitoring center.

  • Works on one battery – 2 years.

  • You can additionally connect a wired opening sensor. For example, you can set up protection for two window sashes at once or a garage door with a large gap.


  • There is no partial security mode. This function is most needed at night. What does it mean: a) the house is unguarded while everyone is sleeping, b) the house is guarded, but movement inside gives false alarms to the system.

Motion sensors Si-Nord

Wireless motion sensor that sends a signal to the monitoring station and the user's app when motion is detected.


  • This is a budget solution, the cost of the sensor is 2000 rubles.

  • Immunity to domestic animals from 10 to 40 kg.

  • Works on batteries for 2 years.


  • Sea-Nord does not have photo-recording sensors. This means that in case of an alarm, you will receive an intrusion alert, but will not be able to identify the intruder. Also, a sensor without a photo increases the number of false calls.

  • IR object detection only. There are more modern sensors that use microwave radiation in addition to IR radiation. This gives fewer false alarms.

  • Despite the fact that Sea-Nord has a large range of adjustments to immunity to pets, you won’t be able to adjust it yourself. The engineer makes the adjustments upon departure.

Window break sensor Sea-Nord

If you are offered to add a window breakage sensor to the kit, you can safely refuse it. Because:

  1. According to statistics, 90% of windows are plastic. Thieves do not break plastic windows, they pry them open with a master key at the joints. Therefore, a window opening sensor is much more effective.

  2. Difficulty of installation. The window break sensor is quite difficult to install, its placement depends on many factors: the type of window, the room, the presence of curtains, etc. If it is installed incorrectly, it will either a) not work, b) give many false alarms.

3. Caesar Satellite

Link to the site→

Initially, the company specialized in car alarms. Now it has expanded its services, and just like Gulfstream and DELTA, it provides services for the protection of houses, apartments, and businesses.

Caesar Satellite, like DELTA, works on Si-Nord equipment. Hikvision equipment is also available, I will not discuss it here, since it is not yet clear how it will work in Russia.

The characteristics of the C-nord equipment can be viewed in the DELTA block, since the solutions are identical.

  • Home Security Kit: Control panel, keyboard, door and window opening sensors, motion sensors.

  • Price: equipment 36,600 + 2,650 subscription fee.

4. Rustelematics

Link to the site→

Also one of the largest security agencies. Engaged in the protection of houses, apartments, businesses. Rustelematica works on the equipment of Si-Nord* and Ritm. For information on Si-Nord, see the DELTA block.

Home Security Kit: control panel, keyboard, door and window opening sensors, motion sensor.

Control panel Rhythm

Ritm has several types of control panels, the main difference between them is the type of signal transmission. 1) There are models that transmit a signal to the security console only via cellular communication, 2) there are those that transmit a signal via cellular communication and the Internet (either via Ethernet or via WI-FI).


  • Works from a 220 V network + equipped with a backup battery with the potential to operate without electricity for up to 6 hours.

  • There are models that support two communication channels with the security console. — GSM, WI-FI or Ethernet.

  • There is protection against opening the case. If a thief tries to rip off the sensor, a signal will be sent to your app and to the monitoring station.

Keyboard Rhythm

Rustelematica installs two types of keyboards. One type is for business security, the other is for home and apartment.

On the left is a keyboard for business (usually installed when there are several rooms), on the right is a keyboard for home/apartment

On the left is a keyboard for business (usually installed when there are several rooms), on the right is a keyboard for home/apartment


  • There is a keyboard lock. This is to eliminate the possibility of picking a password by trying combinations. If you enter the code incorrectly three times, the keyboard is blocked.

  • There is protection against opening the case.

  • Works on batteries for 2 years.


  • Rustelematica offered me a wired keyboard. It is difficult to install if the repair is completely finished. Also, to install the keyboard, you need a socket near the front door.

  • There is no SOS button. It is not possible to send an alarm signal to a security agency from the Rhythm keyboard.

  • There is no siren. There is a buzzer, but it is not loud. It is unlikely to scare offenders. You need to buy a siren additionally.

  • To work with the Rhythm keyboard, you need to know the set of hot keys. It is not very intuitive, for example, to arm the system you need to enter “*” plus “#” and then the code.

Door and window opening sensors Rhythm

Ritm has three types of door/window opening sensors. They differ in size and radio range. Therefore, you need to know which sensor you are offered, so as not to make a mistake with the size. For example, the large RDD1 sensor is 10.1 x 3.4 cm. This is a large white box that is attached to the window.

I was offered a medium sensor (RDD2) in the kit, so below I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of it.


  • You can additionally connect a wired opening sensor.

  • The battery life is 3 years.

  • Integrates with the CESAR HOME application and also sends a signal to the monitoring center.


  • Too noticeable. The sensor is large in size – 7×3 cm. It does not look very aesthetically pleasing, especially if you place it on a window.

Motion sensor Rhythm

The motion sensor on the Ritm looks like this:

This is what the motion sensor looks like in Ritm.


  • Immunity for pets up to 10 kg. If you have pets, you can adjust the sensitivity so that the sensor does not give false alarms.

  • Battery life is 3 years.

  • There is protection against opening the case.


  • Rhythm does not have sensors with photo recording.

  • IR object detection only. There are more modern sensors that use microwave radiation in addition to IR radiation. This gives fewer false alarms.

  • The sensitivity of the sensor cannot be adjusted remotely. To increase/decrease immunity, you need to call specialists.

Brief summary

  1. Control panel

For what

Gulf Stream

Sea-nord (DELTA, Caesar Satellite, Rustelematica)

Rhythm (Rustelematics)

Autonomous operating time

If the power goes out, it's a must have

12 hours

6 hours

6 hours

Signal transmission channels

A backup transmission channel is needed if one of the signals is lost.

GSM, Internet (WI-FI and Ethernet)


GSM, Internet (WI-FI or Ethernet)

Protection against opening the case

It is necessary to prevent a thief from disabling the security system.




Important: C-nord (DELTA, Caesar Satellite, Rustelematica) has a vulnerability – a siren is built into the control panel. This means that an intruder can easily detect it and disable it.

  1. Keyboard

For what

Gulf Stream

Sea-nord (DELTA, Caesar Satellite, Rustelematica)

Rhythm (Rustelematics)


Wired is difficult to install if you have done renovations


There are wired and wireless models.

There are wired and wireless models.

Built-in siren

It is needed to scare off burglars, if it is not built into the keyboard, then the siren is purchased separately




Built-in SOS button

An alarm signal that is sent from the keyboard




Important: The C-nord line (DELTA, Caesar Satellite, Rustelematica) has the cheapest keyboard kit — C-nord mini. It combines two devices: a control panel and a keyboard. This is also not the safest option, since the control panel is vulnerable. A thief only needs to disconnect it from the network and remove the battery to disable the security system. Also, C-nord mini is a wired device, take this into account when installing.

  1. Motion sensor

For what

Gulf Stream

Sea-nord (DELTA, Caesar Satellite, Rustelematica)

Rhythm (Rustelematics)

Immunity to pets

To avoid false alarms when a pet goes tygdyk-tygdyk

Up to 25 kg Remotely adjustable

From 10 to 40 kg, Adjusted by a specialist upon departure

Up to 10 kg, Adjusted by a specialist on site

Battery operated

How often should the battery in the sensor be changed?

5 years

2 years

3 years

Important: The Gulf Stream motion sensor comes with a photo. This function has two advantages: 1) when an alarm is triggered, the system takes 3 photos and sends them to the monitoring center. This reduces the number of false calls, 2) the response team, if there are no visible reasons for the break-in, will not enter private territory. In this case, the photo will be proof that someone is inside.

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