AI is just about to get smarter

How humans have already become “cyborgs” and use AI

Hello, Khabrovites.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) as Augmentative Intelligence, using machine learning, algorithms and vast data to empower people and businesses, may soon become an illusion.

The accelerating pace of technological change empowers people to have both technological resources and scientific knowledge to create Artificial General Intelligence

“Success in creating effective AI could be the greatest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We just don’t know. Therefore, we cannot know for sure whether the AI ​​will help us endlessly, or whether it will ignore and neglect us, and maybe even destroy us. ” – words by Stephen Hawking in 2017.

Today artificial intelligence can sort huge amounts of data and find relationships hidden from us… AI can break through interference, through millions of messages a day. It all wraps around data and lets you get information about just about anything.

Most of this data is generated by humans.

How often in your life do you record, digitize and eventually share it?

When we are faced with something exciting, our first reaction is a photo or video, and we share it on social media. It’s amazing how carefree we can get by capturing our day’s moments in video, photos or audio. Our thoughts are digitized into words, emoticons or pictures that we use to refer to our apps, phones, wearables, machines and computers.

“Humans are, in fact, already ‘cyborgs’ because they have a tertiary ‘digital layer’ thanks to phones, computers and applications.” – words Ilona Mask in 2021.

We trust the digital storage device with our records, which we rarely refer to later. I once asked my friends if they sometimes come back to see these photos, and if they tried to revive the moments associated with them. On reflection, we realized that we rarely look at past photos.

There is no time to look into the past, we are too often busy keeping a record of the present.

Today, with the arrival of Covid-19, the world is becoming much more digital due to the fact that data is transmitted through the edge of the Internet faster, including thanks to 5G, allowing speeds up to 10 Gbps.

Smartphones and sensors around us have gained access to high speed internet. In fact, the “last mile” (data transfer from the equipment of the end customer to the last network node of the provider) with a slow WiFi or cable connection disappears.

As we become accustomed to the new realities of the Covid-19 situation, social distance is accelerating the digitization of our records in large volumes. When this eventually ends, our shared space will be much more devastated than it once was.

However, as social actors, we need to unite in order to survive. We keep in touch from home. Activities from home have largely become a new way of working. Children get their schooling online. Parents work at home.

We’re seeing huge changes happening on the internet. Content creation has skyrocketed. The speed of interaction with content is also growing rapidly. People are eager to watch new movies and play new games. The entertainment and gaming industries are evolving.

Amateur and professional gamers download millions of videosthat they recorded while playing. Conferencing technology of all kinds is proliferating as it allows people to connect to work remotely.

With the destruction of the tourism industry, virtual travel is emerging. People design virtual reality with holographic transmission, including for sports attractions.

We are witnessing a revolution in healthcare when IoT devices for remote digital diagnostics appeared

As a result, in these examples, a lot of data is obtained that feeds AI (Artificial Intelligence, AI – Artificial Intelligence). The more we rely on machine intelligence, the more we look to it as a guide to work.

Having bitten an apple and appreciating its taste, we cannot stop until we finish eating it. That is, the more we rely on AI, the more we feel dependent on it.

Today, AI researchers, by studying the personal characteristics of people, can come close to realizing Weak AIimitating human behavior. These programs now enable computers to understand human speech, recognize objects, describe photographs and videos, recommend music, or conduct searches.

Strong AI transforms machine intelligence into universal intelligence. Since human intelligence is universal intelligence, artificial intelligence is often referred to as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

General artificial intelligence (AGI) would endow machines with non-algorithmic abilities such as prudence and wisdom. Prudence is the ability to make the right decisions in specific situations, and wisdom is the ability to see the whole.

I think this decade will revolutionize the creation of AGI for three reasons:

  • rapidly growing content creation and sharing. People are digitizing most areas of their privacy at an exponential rate thanks to social distancing, faster internet connections with 5G, broadband satellite internet systems such as Starlink… It will soon be possible to track data from childhood to old age for a very large number of people, scattered across geographies and cultures. Abundant data is the life-giving power of artificial intelligence.

  • achieving quantum superiority. Quantum computing will enable future computers to process incredible amounts of massive amounts of data. Google statedthat will prove the superiority of quantum computing in 2019, and IonQ has plan to commercialize quantum computing

… … …

AI uses human thinking as a model, but the ultimate goal is not to replace it. Such a statement sounds too optimistic for visionaries, whose long-term plan is to achieve an organic symbiosis between humans and artificial intelligence. They believe that this aspiration is essential for the development of humanity.

Enrollment for the course is open at OTUS right now “IoT Developer”.

In this regard, we invite everyone to sign up for the open webinar. “IoT practice: creating a scooter sharing project”… In this free demo lesson:
– we will discuss the most promising applications of the Internet of Things in different areas;
– get acquainted with the cloud platform Rightech IoT Cloud;
– we will create our own scooter sharing project;
– we will emulate the data with the bot service;
– apply post-processing of data;
– we will generate automation scripts.


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