AI Assistant and Cartridges

We destroy the monolith and turn the smartphone into a truly smart and more versatile gadget.

My smartphone is 3 or 4 years old. It has 8 GB of RAM, some processor, 5000 or 6000 mAh battery and a camera that I am not happy with.

It would be great if smartphone manufacturers switched to a semi-modular architecture with replaceable cartridges:

  • In place of the camera, place a compartment for the cartridge approximately 5x5x1 cm.

  • The cartridge is connected to the smartphone via Type-C.

What does a cartridge consist of?

Basic equipment:


  • Speaker

  • Microphone

There is a magnet under the back panel of the cartridge. Will the back panel wear out? Maybe. The solution is to bring the magnet to the surface and make it easily replaceable.

Back panel of the smartphone

On the back panel of the smartphone there is a compartment for a cartridge with USB Type-C.

More than a camera – an AI assistant

How the idea came about:

  1. I keep notes in Obsidian when I read technical literature,

  2. Sometimes you need to retype text word for word in a note or insert an illustration.

  3. I always have a smartphone at hand. But every time I take it, take a photo, recognize the text, transfer the text via messenger to messenger on my laptop and paste the text into a note – it's tiring.

  4. How cool would it be to attach a compact gadget above a book that could recognize my gestures and understand when I need to copy a word, sentence, paragraph, or an entire page into a note in Obsidian.

Scope of application of AI assistant

  • Wherever there is a standard execution of any action.

  • Transfer text and illustrations into notes on your computer.

  • Guide for the blind.

How were problems solved before the AI ​​assistant cartridge appeared?

Examples of use

General case

  • I'm doing something.

  • The AI ​​assistant records, evaluates and provides feedback.

  • I get feedback on the smartphone screen, through headphones or the smartphone speaker.

Replacing the shower cabin cartridge

Recently, I changed the shower cabin mixer cartridge for the first time. The cabin cannot be moved, what and how to dismantle from the back – nothing is visible and unclear. How great it would be to attach an AI assistant with plumbing knowledge and a stock of “strong words” above the cabin.


Personal yoga trainer using pose estimation, a method of identifying and classifying the nodes of the human body.

Brushing teeth

Why not glasses?

  • It's easier to forget a separate gadget at home and forget to charge it.

  • Easy to break.

  • Need a case.

  • It's uncomfortable to wear.

Why is a smartphone not enough and why do you need a separate gadget?

The cartridge with a magnet is more compact and lighter than a smartphone, so the cartridge is easier to attach to a vertical/inclined surface and to clothing.

How long will the battery last?

It's hard to say. For ~1 hour.

How to reduce energy consumption?

  • Use Bluetooth instead of Wi-Fi if the data transfer speed is increased in future versions.

  • Transmit not streaming video, but every n-th frame. Perhaps, for a neural network, it is enough to transmit every 5th frame out of 30 frames per second.

  • Instead of 4K, use FullHD. Or install an additional FullHD camera, and the neural network itself will decide which camera to work with at the moment.

More than an AI assistant – anything

The cartridge is connected via Type-C, therefore:

  • An additional battery can be installed.

  • Camera manufacturers can produce a cartridge with 4/3 or APS-C matrices and corresponding lenses.

  • Anyone can release anything.

Cartridge with additional battery

Cartridge with additional battery

And if they release something heavy, won't the cartridge break the smartphone cover?


  • Cartridge manufacturers produce cases for popular brands of phones.

  • Manufacturers add an adjustable clamp to the cartridge design.


Thanks to the universality of the Type-C connector, any company can create compatible cartridges for it. This will lead to a flourishing ecosystem – many manufacturers will participate in its development.

Ecosystem participants

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