Advanced SOAP Features and When is it Needed?

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol used to exchange structured data in distributed computing environments. Although SOAP is often viewed as a more complex and heavyweight alternative to REST, it has a number of advanced features that make it a suitable choice for certain enterprise applications. Let's take a closer look at these features, including WS-Security, and how WS-Security ensures the security of SOAP messages.

WS specifications play an important role in enhancing the functionality and security of SOAP and other web services. “WS” in the context of WS-Security and other similar specifications stands for “Web Services”.

Advanced SOAP Capabilities

  1. WS-Security (Web Services Security)

  2. WS-ReliableMessaging

  3. WS-AtomicTransaction (Atomic transactions)

  4. WS-Addressing (Web Services Addressing)

  5. SOAP Faults (Error Handling)

  6. Completeness of specifications and standards

1. WS-Security (Web Services Security)

WS-Security — is a standard designed to provide security for SOAP messages. It adds support for message encryption, digital signatures, and the use of security tokens such as SAML and Kerberos. This is critical for applications that require message-level data protection.

Main components of WS-Security:

  • Message encryption: Protects the contents of messages to prevent them from being viewed or modified by third parties.

  • Digital signatures: Ensure the integrity and authenticity of messages, allowing the recipient to verify that the message has not been altered and actually came from the intended sender.

  • Security Tokens: Used to convey security information such as user identification and access rights.

Example of use:

How WS-Security Works:

  1. Encryption: Messages or parts of messages can be encrypted using XML-Encryption to protect them from unauthorized access. This ensures that only authorized recipients can decrypt and read the message.

  2. Signature: Messages are signed using XML-Signature, which provides integrity and authenticity verification. The signature is created based on a portion of the message content and the sender's cryptographic key, and can be verified by the recipient.

  3. Security Tokens: WS-Security supports the use of various tokens for authentication and authorization. Examples include SAML tokens (for conveying claims about users) and Kerberos tokens (for securely conveying credentials).

Work algorithm:

  • The sender encrypts the message and adds a digital signature using his cryptographic keys.

  • The recipient decrypts the message using their keys and verifies the signature to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the data.

  • Security tokens are used to convey additional security information such as access rights and user identification.

2. WS-ReliableMessaging

WS-ReliableMessaging ensures that messages are delivered reliably and in order, despite possible network failures. This is especially important for applications where the delivery of all messages and their order is critical.

Main functions:

  • Delivery guarantee: Messages will be delivered even if network failures occur.

  • Delivery procedure: Messages are delivered in the order they were sent.

  • No duplication: Each message will be delivered only once.

Example of use:

  • Systems that process financial transactions where it is necessary to ensure that messages are delivered accurately and in the correct order.

3. WS-AtomicTransaction (Atomic transactions)

WS-AtomicTransaction allows for the atomicity of operations in distributed systems, meaning that all operations in a transaction are either executed in full or not executed at all. This is critical to ensuring data integrity.

Main functions:

  • Atomicity: The transaction is executed as a single unit.

  • Coherence: Data remains in a consistent state before and after a transaction is executed.

  • Isolation: Interaction with these other transactions occurs without affecting the current transaction.

  • Durability: Transaction results are preserved even in the event of a system failure.

Example of use:

  • Financial applications where transactions with bank accounts must be atomic to avoid inconsistent data states.

4. WS-Addressing (Web Services Addressing)

WS-Addressing standardizes address information and allows web services to exchange messages without depending on specific transport protocols. It supports more flexible routing and message handling.

Main functions:

  • Abstract addresses: Allows endpoints and operations to be referenced without being tied to specific transport protocols.

  • Message Routing: Simplifies the routing of messages between services, which is important for complex distributed systems.

Example of use:

  • A system for interaction between multiple microservices where flexibility in message routing is required.

5. SOAP Faults (Error Handling)

SOAP Faults provide a standard way to handle and communicate faults in SOAP messages. This is important for unified fault management in distributed systems.

Main components:

  • Error code: Indicates the type of error.

  • Error message: Error description.

  • Error details: Additional data explaining the nature of the error.

Example of use:

  • A web service that returns detailed errors to the client in the event of incorrect requests or failures.

6. Completeness of specifications and standards

SOAP has a rich set of specifications and supports strict standards, making it suitable for large enterprise solutions that require formalized interfaces and contracts.

Main functions:

  • Strictness of standards: SOAP uses XML to structure messages, which allows for strict definition of data and operations.

  • Contracts: Defined using WSDL (Web Services Description Language), which allows web service interfaces to be clearly described.

Example of use:

  • Enterprise systems such as ERP and CRM, where it is important to have strictly defined and standardized interfaces for integrating different modules and systems.

What is WS-Security and how does it work?

WS-Security is a security standard for SOAP messages that provides data protection at the message level. It allows messages to include security elements such as signatures and encryption, as well as authentication tokens.

WS-Security Components:

  1. Message Encryption (XML Encryption):

    • WS-Security allows you to encrypt parts of SOAP messages, ensuring data confidentiality.

    • Used to protect message content from being viewed by unauthorized persons.

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  2. Digital Signatures (XML Signature):

    • Messages or parts of messages may be signed to ensure integrity and authenticity.

    • The signature includes information that allows the recipient to verify that the message has not been altered and comes from a trusted sender.

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  3. Security Tokens:

    • WS-Security supports various tokens for authentication and transfer of user information.

    • For example, SAML tokens can include claims about the user, such as their roles and access rights.


WS-Security Operation Algorithm:

  1. Sender creates a SOAP message and adds security elements to it.

  2. Recipient accepts a SOAP message and checks its security elements.

    • The recipient decrypts the message using their keys and verifies the signature to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the message.

  3. Security Tokens are used to transmit information about authentication and access rights.

Key criteria for choosing between REST and SOAP

  1. Requirements for system functionality and characteristics:

  2. Safety requirements:

  3. Performance requirements:

  4. Compatibility and integration:

  5. Ease of development and support:

A detailed examination of the factors

1. Functionality requirements


  • Ease of use and scalability: REST is great for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, making it an ideal choice for web applications that provide access to data and resources.

  • Data formats: REST can work with any data format (JSON, XML, HTML, etc.), but JSON is most often used, which makes it suitable for interacting with web applications and mobile clients.


  • Extended capabilities: SOAP provides additional functionality such as transaction support, message-level security, atomic operations, and reliable message delivery.

  • Emphasis on formality and standardization: SOAP strictly defines the message structure and uses XML, making it more suitable for complex and enterprise applications that require strict standards.

2. Safety requirements


  • Basic security: REST uses HTTPS to encrypt data and basic authentication methods such as OAuth.

  • Safety requirements: REST is suitable for public APIs and applications where security is provided at the transport level.


  • Advanced Security: SOAP supports WS-Security, providing message encryption, digital signatures, and message-level integrity checking.

  • Comprehensive protection: SOAP is suitable for enterprise applications where a high level of security is required, such as financial or government systems.

3. Performance requirements


  • Lightness: REST requests are typically smaller and simpler, making them faster to process.

  • Caching: REST supports response caching, which can significantly improve performance for repeated requests.


  • Heaviness: SOAP requests include a lot of additional information (such as XML headers), which makes them larger and more difficult to process.

  • Complex processing: SOAP may be less efficient for high-load systems due to the additional XML processing.

4. Compatibility and integration


  • Compatibility with web technologies: REST integrates easily with web and mobile applications thanks to its use of JSON and the simplicity of HTTP.

  • Wide use: REST is often used in open APIs and web services, making it a popular choice for interacting with a variety of clients.


  • Integration with corporate systems: SOAP integrates well with systems that require strict specifications and standards, such as ERP and CRM systems.

  • Support for complex contracts: SOAP is suitable for situations where a strict description of service interfaces and contracts is required.

5. Ease of development and support


  • Simplicity and flexibility: REST is easy to use and implement, especially for developers familiar with HTTP and JSON.

  • Rapid development: REST API can be quickly created and modified, making it ideal for agile teams and startups.


  • Formal structure: SOAP requires more careful planning and development due to its strict structure and the need to work with XML.

  • Tools and standards: SOAP has rich tool and standards support for development and testing, but requires more effort at the implementation stage.

Examples and analogies


  • Example: You are building an e-commerce web application where customers can browse and order products. REST would be a good choice as it is lightweight and supports CRUD operations well.

  • Analogy: REST is like a simple restaurant menu where customers can select dishes (resources) from the menu and order them (CRUD operations).


  • Example: You are developing a payment system for a bank that requires high security and reliability. SOAP would be a good choice as it provides advanced capabilities to ensure the security and reliability of data transfer.

  • Analogy: SOAP can be compared to a formal business contract, where every action is strictly defined and documented, which ensures reliability and security.

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