Achievements for commits in git. Friday post

on your bike (analog of git stat). During this time, we managed to make many improvements, including significantly increasing the set of achievements for programmers. But a creative dead end has come and I no longer have enough imagination to come up with new achievements. They should be funny, mocking and easily translated into other languages. Maybe you have some ideas? The current set looks like this:

To view your achievements you need to save the git log to a txt file:

git –no-pager log –raw –numstat –oneline –all –reverse –date=iso-strict –pretty=format:”%ad>%cN>%cE>%s” > log.txt

and throw it in browser window. Next, the script will parse the text and calculate statistics. On the “people” tab, you can select a specific team member and view his achievements.

Link to github:

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