About the popularity ratings of programming languages ​​- for the summer of 2024

Differences in the popularity of programming languages ​​in Russia and the world are due to several factors:

1. Data collection techniques: Tiobe Index is based on the analysis of search queries, PYPL evaluates the frequency of searches for educational materials, while in Russia they use data from local platforms and vacancies on HeadHunter.

2. Local “rattles”: In Russia there remains a high demand for 1C due to its widespread use in accounting and management, while in the world languages ​​that are popular in international companies and startups, such as Python and Java, are more in demand.

3. We teach what we know: In Russian universities, more attention is paid to certain languages, based on historical and academic traditions (for example, C/C++/C#). Therefore, universities often teach what the teachers themselves (mostly older people) know.


In 2024, rankings of the popularity of programming languages ​​show certain changes in world rankings and some differences in language preferences between Russia and the global IT community continue.

Preferences in choosing a language for students of Russian universities and students of IT courses depend on many factors, including advertising of so-called “guaranteed” employment on the most popular educational platforms, well-established educational programs, competitions and competitions (Hackathons).

Our advice to reading developers is that language ratings are worth taking into account, but it is best to learn the language in which you enjoy coding. If you achieve mastery in this language, then projects and money will find you. By the way, the rarer the language, the less competition in the labor market. But it’s probably not worth pursuing complete exoticism either.

Let's add a drop of advertising from our blog: the SSP SOFT company invites developers in Java, JS, React and Python, 1C, QA and DevOps engineers, systems analyst, data analyst – see. page on hh.ru. If your specialty is not listed in current vacancies, send your resume anyway, because… new positions in teams open weekly (write to Telegram or email job@ssp-soft.com).

Good luck in mastering programming languages!

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