About personal effectiveness and the fight against procrastination

I am helped by clear checkpoints that I cannot avoid. This is the reason why it is very comfortable to work with Scrum. When you just need to say every day what you did yesterday and what you plan to do today. People like me feel comfortable working in this mode. It is just a thrill. But you are not always so lucky, the necessary processes are not available everywhere.

Sometimes there are tasks in free mode. For example, a big task for several months, where I am not kicked and not watched. And this is just a nightmare. In such situations, I try to recreate artificial checkpoints, preferably with the participation of other people.

  • Demo. In some cases, it's helpful to agree to show a demo of the results once a week/month. I started doing this when I became a team lead for a team without much supervision. Running regular demos helps me motivate myself to get going and do it, so I don't look stupid at the team's next demo.

  • Decomposition and timing. I can break a task down into stages myself and sign up for deadlines for each stage, even when I'm not asked to do so. This is what I do when I receive writing assignments, for example.

  • Calendar. When I have deadlines in hand, I book time for myself in the calendar. This way, I can simply book 2 hours for a specific task for tomorrow, because I know I have to hand it in the day after tomorrow.

  • And you can also come up with any options where I won't have a chance to do nothing for a month and start in the last week, then ruining my personal life

The main thing is to accept yourself and not to self-flagellate. And you can always adjust the processes to make it comfortable.

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