About one use of gRPC: HTTP proxy pog-server

About one use of gRPC: HTTP proxy pog-server


An HTTP proxy is a program for fulfilling HTTP client requests from another IP address.

gRPC is a data transfer system based on HTTP/2 transport and uses Protocol Buffers.

I have developed an HTTP proxy pog-server, posted it in Open Source and I want to share the development story. The actual bytes are transferred via gRPC:

пользователь <=> pog-client <=gRPC=> pog-server <=> конечный HTTP-сервер

For what

Nowadays, a programmer has to use a proxy server. I used one until I needed access to ChatGPT: so I had 2 proxy servers.

Then I needed Terraform. It worked under one proxy server something like this:

$ export HTTPS_PROXY=http://pog.catbo.net:18080
$ terraform init

; however, at the same time, I made requests to the Google API, and it rejected the proxy server. So I had to balance when and what proxy to use.

So the task arose to find such a crystal clear IP that the above services and more would be available through it.

Since we have projects at work on GCPthen the ideal choice was the Cloud Run service, which plays the role of a proxy server.

gRPC. Previous experience

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