A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results⁠⁠

In this series of articles, I talk about our meme project. In the first week after the release, we managed to attract 3 thousand users. In this article, I will look at some metrics, but I will also talk about the technical and design challenges we faced.

Concise and honest

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

User acquisition chart from Firebase analytics

This is definitely a joyful moment.

  • There is demand. Most of our users are from Russia, but there are also users from the USA, Europe, Asia and even Africa (our platform translates memes into several languages ​​at once, hence the strange geography + of course VPN):

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

Distribution of users around the world

Demand is another positive.

  • Free promotion from AppGallery. From the very beginning, we hung ourselves with metrics and analytics, but still for half a day we could not understand where the influx of users into the android application came from. It turned out that the influx was sanctioned AppGallery:

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

Apparently, we got to the top there and it brings us hundreds of new users daily and for free. It's like Yandex Direct working at full capacity, only for free (at full capacity relative to our financial capabilities).

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

According to Loki, we process about 15 thousand requests daily. On peak days, this number rises to 35 thousand, in underground it fell to 500)). This is not much, but not little either.

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

A week after the launch of Meme Battle.

Of course, this indicator will grow in a couple of weeks, but we are already trying to improve it further. We want to see nice numbers of 40-60% here.

  • Main page error. Our second headache was the Battle tab. Battle is where users compare two memes and choose the best one. This is one of the main features of the platform. It looks something like this:

A week after the launch of Meme Battle. First results Website, Creativity, Project, Social networks, Startup, Longpost

Battle Tab

So, we placed this tab third (the second in the application), because it has a very specific design, not suitable for the main page. As a result, not all users reach it, getting stuck on hot memes (tab # 1). And without the Battle, we lose to any Telegram channel. After all, you can watch memes there, scrolling the content? So we are trying to fix this situation with various tricks, without resorting to a full-scale redesign of the site and application ahead of time. We will add blinking, then we will put advertising on this page.

  • Small number of registered users. Since most of the platform's functionality is available without registration, users are in no hurry to register. We already have a solution for this – let's see how it performs this week.

There is no conclusion yet. After all, we have only just begun. If you have ideas for development or you are just curious – take a look at us to meme. Thanks to everyone who read to the end and thanks for the constructive criticism too =)

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