A union of oneself or an employee versus a pig in salary expectations. Part 2

In the first part, I went through the reasons “why all sorts of crazy things happen in hiring in the Russian Federation,” but it turned out to be somewhat complicated. I’ll try to rewrite it simpler, and I’ll even set the level of the article to “simple”.

I/we, like a neural network, was once again, not for the first time, pulled out of my cozy server room*, and this is what it turned out to be…

A little background

This is not the first, not the second, not the third time they have tried to involve me in managing the division, and every time the same thing turns out. Moreover, the last two times “the same thing” was no longer in a Russian company, and even in a company “not from the Russian Federation”. We are still working with the Russian (more precisely, Moscow) market, so we have to follow what Moscow HR is retelling, it’s still more fun there.

What it turned out to be

They are terribly far from the people. Whether in international or Russian hiring, the salary market for real candidates is one and a half times higher than the expectations of the average HR.
Reasons? It’s been the same for the last 50 years, since Union Carbide built a small fertilizer plant in India – money. Personnel in India, or, in the case of the Russian Federation, in the regions, are “cheap”, and according to the papers they are equally qualified, responsible, and have undergone the necessary training in TB, in our branch of hell everything is on paper Great. But only on papers. That's all. They can read the instructions, they can retell them out loud, but there is no understanding, they can’t wait to follow the instructions. This is what the staff demonstrated. Union Carbide in 1984. As a result, the plant management… fined 2000 (two thousand) dollars each, all seven, in 2010*. This is what the developers of the Boeing Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) and Boeing CST-100 Starliner demonstrated.


In June 2010, seven former employees of UCIL, all Indian nationals and many in their 70s, were sadly of causing death by negligence: Keshub Mahindra, former non-executive chairman of Union Carbide India Limited; VP Gokhale, managing director; Kishore Kamdar, vice-president; J. Mukund, works manager; SP Chowdhury, production manager; KV Shetty, plant superintendent; and SI Qureshi, production assistant. They were each sentenced to two years' imprisonment and fined ₹100,000 (equivalent to ₹220,000 or US$2,700 in 2023). All were released on bail shortly after the verdict.

Now, when HR rewrites a candidate’s resume so that it can be read and accepted by the same HR, and they are already trying to bring a deepfake to an online interview and answer with a prompter, a double and ChatGPT, it is difficult to find a real candidate on the open market. HR is not very bothered, 9-18 with a break for tea, smoke and talk.

For someone who really understands, they cannot agree on either a grade or a budget for relocation.

Management all over the world now have KPIs set to save budgets, and virtual losses do not affect KPIs. In our case, the losses are about 200 thousand dollars per month, but with a monthly operating profit of about 5 million ($), these percentages are lost back and forth in the general background. In total, it seems like a lot, but the losses are more virtual (theoretically possible, but not the profit received), and the savings on personnel are real.

There is no “retention” budget at all, and it is not needed – because the manager will receive a reprimand for missing the project deadlines, but he has been in management for a long time, and has set deadlines that are 2 times higher than the highest, and within such a period the issue will somehow be resolved Of course, maybe the project will be cancelled.

Interesting things noted
In the world of management, you can almost always not try to look for actual numbers and statistics, but choose a simple, understandable and incorrect opinion, for example, “IT people are greedy.” Then all that remains is to sit in that echo chamber where everyone says “nice things.”
We replace “our salary is below the market” with “IT specialists are not worth that kind of money and the market is overheated.”
We replace “almost no one spends time on cookies in the office” with “Our youth loves luxury, they are poorly educated, they mock their superiors and have no respect for the elderly.»
We replace “we have multilayer layers of coprolites” to “wide variety of technology stack»

and you are a sweetheart.

Some of the administrative staff sincerely believe what they say. BUT he believes, only while he speaks, then the classic said everything: Mouth closed, materiel in original.
It is not customary to check information in this social group; it is said “our bank is the most yellow/green/red/strong/” – you have to agree and say just that everywhere. Even if your bank leaks biometrics / leaks working conditions except for top managers / other / hires Indians who are not hired anywhere else.

All you have to do is find a party where your opinion will be confirmed. They will say that you are great, or (optionally) strong and independent, and the developers are toxic, omega, fatty, and so on. To deceive them is even, in some ways, valor. Moreover, in the Russian Federation, advertising for courses on “how to try to deceive a developer and an IT specialist” has already begun. It's about cookies and prospects.
As my friend, who was caught smoking at school, said when he was asked what class is the bourgeoisie.

What to do if you are being hunted?

Nothing new has been invented here.
First of all, pay attention to the “calls” from the hiring HR and the hiring manager. Here there are “options”, and “total income”, and the inability of either HR or the manager to answer the question “which stack are you using”.

Secondly, know and apply local legislation.

Thirdly, there is no need to close your resume during the probationary period. If (especially for the Russian Federation) you were asked how it was – why you didn’t close your resume, why don’t you like it with us – then this is not a bell, it’s a bell. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee

I won’t even remember about such an everyday thing as promising one amount “in hand after all taxes” during several interviews, and then after dismissal and at the registration stage writing another in the contract. There is a simple remedy against such tricks – either not sign anything (difficult for Europe and the USA, where your visa is tied to the organization), or work for the amount that is in the contract and urgently look for a position in another organization.

What to do if they try to drag you into management?

Nothing new has been invented here either. If they try to assign managerial tasks to you without changing your grade to +2, and without removing current tasks, refuse. This is actually a suggestion to work more, but:
for less money
with loss of technical skills and prospects and, often,
under the motivational slogan “you have to prove yourself.” If you want, show me. If during the month of display nothing in the grades happened (and should not have happened, the inertia of the system is 3-6 months), then they will continue to promise you “later”. Once you become a manager, you yourself will begin to promise the same things.

An extended version of the article, as usual, on Pikabu and in my telegram channel.

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