A hidden bug has been discovered in the code of the 55-year-old game Lunar Lander

It turned out to be in vain: after Apollo 8 was supposed to leave lunar orbit, astronaut James Lovell mistakenly launched this ill-fated instruction. Ultimately, navigation data disappeared from the spacecraft’s computer, and it became extremely difficult to determine its position in space. As a result, the ship's crew began to navigate the starry sky and make edits manually. And Margaret Hamilton spent 9 hours searching for a solution to this critical problem.

As a result, all difficulties were resolved, the astronauts returned to Earth. And that's not all. The fact is that during the Apollo 13 flight another problem arose, during which the computer also had to be reprogrammed manually. A participant in that flight was the same James Lovell, who corrected the situation in this case as well – without him, most likely, an accident would have occurred and the team would never have returned to Earth. But thanks to emergency training in computer setup during the Apollo 8 flight, he gained skills that saved the crew of another spacecraft, Apollo 13.

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