+8% all over Russia


Salaries have grown in almost all programming languages. The most noticeable growth was among developers in Kotlin (+16%), to 290,000 ₽, C (+14%) to 180,000 ₽, salaries in Swift and Elixir also grew by 11%.


Salaries decreased only for Objective-C programmers – by 10%, to 342,000 ₽, and Ruby – by 11%, to 250,000 ₽.

IT Salaries by Company

Avito paid IT specialists the most in the first half of 2024 — a median of 351,000 ₽. Raiffeisenbank, T1 Holding, Innotech, and VK were also in the top five.

Freelance and Individual Entrepreneurship

To the salaries of IT specialists in companies, we add the salaries of freelancers and individual entrepreneurs. Compared to the second half of 2023, the salaries of the former increased by 19% and amounted to 95,000 ₽. But the salaries of individual entrepreneurs decreased by 16% – they receive an average of 169,000 ₽.


This is our fourteenth IT salary survey. You can see previous reports here:

The report for the first half of 2024 is based on data from 41,594 specialists. We indicate the amounts that specialists receive in hand in rubles, minus all taxes. To make the data more accurate, we specifically cut off the 1% of the highest and 1% of the lowest salaries.

We wrote more about how to use the salary calculator and how salaries are calculated in this help article.

Briefly about the main thing

How do you know if your salary is in line with the market, how much other people in your position are making, and how much you'll be paid if you add a new skill to your resume or upgrade your qualifications?

Calculate in the salary calculator

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