6 Effective Strategies to Attract Customers with a Chatbot

The actual number of users in one of our bots

The actual number of users in one of our bots

1. Optimize your chatbot for search

The basics of basics is to make the chatbot attractive. Some of the thousands mentioned do not pay enough attention to this. This is your chance. Here is what you need to pay attention to.

• Unique name. One or two words that will immediately make it clear what your chatbot is about. For example, if it helps to order pizza, the name can be PizzaBot or PizzaFinder. Avoid complex constructions, remove the philosophical subtext: the name should be simple and memorable. And if you deliver pizza only to a certain city, do not forget to indicate the city in the chatbot name.

• Unique username. This is your chatbot's nickname. Ideally, it should be short, easy to read, and in tune with the name. For example, for PizzaBot, you can choose @pizzabot, @pizzadelivery, or @pizzafinder. Don't forget to check the name and username for absence in the system so that you can be the first to occupy them.

• Avatar. Any in your company style will do. If you don't have a corporate style yet, you can just write the bot name on some bright background. No avatar is worse than a standard picture. Of course, it's much better if you went to the trouble and drew an avatar specifically for the bot.

• About. This is the chatbot description that users see when they open its full card. In the description, you can briefly describe what your chatbot is about, what its capabilities are, why it should be installed. Try to include keywords there so that users can find your bot not only by name. For example, for PizzaBot you can write: “PizzaBot will help you quickly order pizza in your city. Just write to it what you want, and it will find the best deals near you.” Keyword(s) can be pizza, order, delivery, pizzeria, restaurant + city name.

• Description. This is a short description, but not in the chatbot information, but directly inside the chatbot, right in the messenger window that is shown before the first launch. You also need to attach a picture to such a description, where you can also write some text. In the description itself, it is permissible to indicate a more detailed, attractive text. After all, how attractively you tell about the chatbot's functions will depend on whether a person wants to launch it or not. And there is also a chance that this text will be the only one that a new user will read. Therefore, here too, you should indicate all the most important things, but in a new form. Do not hesitate to write a call to action, but it should be original. “Press start!” will not do.

Description picture under the bot in Telegram @trigger_new_bot

Description picture under the bot in Telegram @trigger_new_bot

  • Teams. This is a description of the chatbot's functions. Only needed for Telegram and Discord. The most capacious thing you can come up with is appropriate here.

  • Welcome message. When the user launches the chatbot, the next thing they will see is a greeting. Write about what publications can be expected here in the future. Pay attention to which function is best to start using now. For complex mechanics, a short video instruction is suitable. This is exactly what we show in our greeting when you first launch our Trigger bot. So, after just a minute, the user knows exactly what to do next in the chatbot.

2. Distribute the chatbot through existing channels

Now that you've finished designing your chatbot, let's move on to promoting it. Start with your usual channels — the ones you already have. Let your current customers be your first users — after all, they're your most loyal audience.

  • Indicate the link to the chatbot in the site header or on the main screen of the application. A more original placement could be a button in the sidebar, pop-up or pre-installed widget. The main thing is to indicate the link. After all, the chatbot is now an important part of your company.

  • Share the link on your blog and social networks. In your new materials, add a mention at the end that you now have a chatbot that you can use right now. Or write a separate review article with the chatbot's capabilities. A visual demonstration would also be helpful. Take screenshots with the coolest features, shoot a video emphasizing the chatbot's work. Indicate them inside the material and immediately include a link to the chatbot. This is exactly how I designed everything in my material “Trigger Builder in Telegram. Or How We Made the Simplest, Yet Useful Bot.”

  • Show that you have a chatbot via emails or push notifications. Put a chatbot button in the footer of your email newsletter, and embed a direct link in the push notification. Emphasize that the person who sees this message will be one of the first to try out the chatbot's capabilities. The atmosphere of uniqueness has never failed.

3. Collaborate with bloggers and other companies

Next, you can move towards a new audience. This is an intermediate stage, because here we will look for thematic channels with people potentially interested in your product.

  • Influencer marketing. Those who managed to gather a loyal audience are now the new mouthpiece of the generation. Tens and hundreds of thousands follow them. Focus on such bloggers. All in the same analogy with Pizza Bot, contact several food bloggers and try to negotiate cooperation with them through barter. And if your bot is unique enough, bloggers will potentially be able to share their personal experience without any request, simply by mentioning it in their post. Also, some Telegram channels do free reviews of all new digital products. This is a great opportunity for you to get into such a selection. It is enough to add several useful functions to the chatbot or take them as a basis, then you just have to wait.

  • Affiliate marketing. Try to find those who work in related fields. For example, pizza goes well with parties or office delivery. This means that your potential partners are event planners and brands that own physical spaces.

4. Use paid channels to attract traffic

5. Create valuable and useful content

We at BotCreators regularly publish text cases on your website and video cases for a YouTube channel. More content means more recognition and reach.

6. Appeal to the potential audience

What I don't recommend doing

In the last year, it has also become popular to use neurocommenting. This is when the first comment immediately comes to the comments of a new post, but it is not written by a person, but by artificial intelligence.

This commenting AI quickly got on everyone's nerves. Real users don't pay attention to it, and channel owners try to immediately delete the message and permanently block the bot's access to the channel. Which, of course, doesn't stop the bot owner from creating another profile and spamming with it, but that's a completely different story.

Despite the popularity of artificial intelligence and people's still positive attitude towards it as a new technology in general, the use of neurocommenting has definitely exhausted itself. It's high time to come up with something new and maybe it won't even get boring so quickly.

Take a look at mine telegram channelI write heartfelt posts about the creation and promotion of my products and thoughts about Russian business.

And if you are thinking about making your own chatbot, fill out the application on the website or through our chatbot. We love chatbots and know how to make them.

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