50 Post-Training Survey Questions for Inspiration

Post-training feedback plays a key role in the process of continuous improvement of educational programs. It allows you to understand how effective the training was, what aspects need improvement, and what the strengths of the program are. Collecting feedback helps not only evaluate current results, but also build strategic plans for employee development, improving their skills and improving productivity.

The target audience of this article includes training and personnel development specialists, HR managers, as well as managers responsible for the professional development of their teams. These professionals understand the importance of training, but may sometimes have difficulty collecting and analyzing quality feedback from participants.

This article will be interesting and useful as it offers 50 sample post-training survey questions that can inspire you to create your own surveys. By applying these questions, the quality of training programs can be significantly improved, making them more targeted and effective. In addition, the article will provide links to ready-made survey templates that can be used on the Testograph platform, which will facilitate and speed up the process of creating your own surveys.

If you want to get the most out of your training programs and are confident that your efforts are producing real results, then this article is for you.

Why feedback is important after training

Post-learning feedback is an important element of any educational process. It helps organizations evaluate the effectiveness of training, identify program strengths and weaknesses, and understand what changes need to be made to improve training quality. Here are some key reasons why feedback is so important:

  1. Evaluation of training effectiveness:

    • Feedback allows you to understand whether training participants have achieved their goals and how well they have learned the material.

    • Examples of successful companies using feedback show that regular assessment helps improve programs and increase employee satisfaction.

  2. Identifying employee needs:

    • Feedback can help identify employee needs for additional knowledge and skills, which helps plan future training activities.

    • Feedback helps you understand how relevant and useful the material was to your daily work.

  3. Improving teaching content and methods:

    • Feedback from participants allows us to identify which aspects of the program are working well and which require improvement.

    • Assessing the quality of teaching, materials and training methods helps tailor the program to the real needs and expectations of employees.

  4. Increasing employee engagement and motivation:

    • Participating in the training evaluation process makes employees more engaged and motivated because they see that their opinions are taken into account and valued.

    • Feedback helps create a culture of continuous improvement and development in the organization.

  5. Supporting the company's long-term goals:

    • Regular collection and analysis of feedback helps align training programs with the company's long-term goals.

    • This leads to more targeted and strategic training programs that deliver real business value.

Research shows that companies that systematically collect and analyze feedback achieve better results in the development of their people and business processes. Examples of such companies include Google, Amazon and IBM, which use feedback to continually improve their training programs.

If you want your training programs to be effective and meet employee expectations, feedback must be an integral part of the training process. Use the survey questions in this article to gather valuable information and make necessary changes to your programs.

Main Categories of Questions for Post-Training Surveys

In order to collect the most useful and comprehensive feedback after training, it is important to structure questions into several key categories. This will not only assess the overall satisfaction of participants, but also provide a deeper understanding of how effective and relevant the training was. Let's look at the main categories of questions that will help you get a comprehensive picture:

  1. Overall Satisfaction:

    • Questions in this category are aimed at assessing the participants' overall impression of the training.

    • It is important to understand how satisfied participants are with the organization, content and format of the program.

  2. Applicability and relevance of the material:

    • These questions help assess how useful and relevant the material was to the participants' daily work.

    • Participants can share their opinions on what knowledge and skills they can put into practice.

  3. Quality of teaching and materials:

    • The questions are aimed at assessing the quality of teaching and the teaching materials and resources used in the program.

    • It is important to understand how competent the teachers were and how much the materials contributed to the acquisition of knowledge.

  4. Impact of training on work:

    • This category of questions helps assess the impact the training had on the participants' performance.

    • Questions may focus on changes in productivity, self-confidence, and application of new knowledge in the workplace.

Examples of questions for each category:

  1. Overall Satisfaction:

    • How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the training program?

    • Would you recommend this program to your colleagues?

    • How do you evaluate the organization and delivery of training?

  2. Applicability and relevance of the material:

    • How relevant were the training materials to your current job?

    • What knowledge and skills acquired during training have you already been able to put into practice?

    • Which topics or modules were most useful to you?

  3. Quality of teaching and materials:

    • How competent and prepared was the teacher for the class?

    • How do you evaluate the quality of educational materials?

    • Did you have all the necessary resources to successfully master the material?

  4. Impact of training on work:

    • How has training impacted your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace?

    • Did you feel more confident in performing your responsibilities after the training?

    • What changes in your work have occurred as a result of training?

These categories of questions will help you gather diverse feedback and gain a deeper understanding of the impact of training on employees.

Examples of questions to measure overall satisfaction

Assessing participants' overall satisfaction after training is an important step in understanding their experiences and identifying key areas for improvement. Questions in this category are aimed at obtaining an overall impression of the training, as well as identifying positive and negative aspects.

Examples of questions:

  1. Overall satisfaction with the program:

    • How would you rate the overall quality of the training program? (scale from 1 to 10)

    • How did the program meet your expectations? (scale from “not at all compliant” to “completely compliant”)

    • What did you like most about the training program?

  2. Recommendations and general impressions:

    • Would you recommend this training program to your colleagues? (scale from “would never recommend” to “definitely recommend”)

    • What would you change or add to this training program?

    • What parts of the program do you find most valuable?

  3. Organization and conduct of training:

    • How well was the training program organized? (scale from “very bad” to “excellent”)

    • How do you rate the convenience of the schedule and class schedule? (scale from 1 to 10)

    • Did you have all the necessary conditions and resources for comfortable learning? (scale from “not at all” to “completely”)

  4. Satisfaction with the format and methods of teaching:

    • How convenient was the learning format for you (e.g. online, offline, hybrid)? (scale from “very uncomfortable” to “very comfortable”)

    • How varied and interesting were the teaching methods used? (scale from “not at all interesting” to “very interesting”)

    • How do you rate the interaction with other participants and teachers during training?

  5. General comments and suggestions:

    • Please share your overall impressions of the training program.

    • Do you have any suggestions for improving the program?

    • What do you think should remain unchanged?

Using these questions, you can get valuable feedback that will help you identify key areas for improvement and identify the strengths of the program. This will not only improve current training programs, but also plan future sessions based on the data obtained.

Examples of questions to assess the applicability and relevance of the material

Assessing the applicability and relevance of training material is a key element in understanding how useful and relevant the information provided is to participants. These questions will help identify what knowledge and skills participants can apply in practice, and how the material is relevant to their work tasks.

Examples of questions:

  1. Assessing the relevance of training material:

    • How relevant was the content of the training program to your current job? (scale from “not at all relevant” to “completely relevant”)

    • Which of the topics or modules you studied were most useful to you?

    • Were there any topics in the program that you found less useful or irrelevant? If yes, which ones?

  2. Applicability of knowledge in practice:

    • How do you assess the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace? (scale from “not at all possible” to “completely possible”)

    • What specific skills or knowledge have you already applied to your work since completing the program?

    • Could you give examples of situations where the knowledge you gained helped you solve work problems?

  3. Relevance of information:

    • How relevant was the information presented in the training? (scale from “not at all relevant” to “very relevant”)

    • Did the examples and cases presented correspond to real situations you encounter at work?

    • Were there any topics in the program that needed to be updated or expanded to reflect current trends and changes in your field?

  4. Practical application and support:

    • Were there enough practical exercises and examples to reinforce the knowledge gained? (scale from “not at all enough” to “completely enough”)

    • What additional resources or materials would be helpful to you after completing your training?

    • How easy was it to adapt the acquired knowledge and skills to real-life work conditions?

  5. Comments and suggestions for improving the content:

    • What topics or modules would you suggest adding to the program to make it more useful?

    • Do you have suggestions to improve the relevance and applicability of the training material?

    • Please share any additional comments on how the program could be improved in terms of its relevance and usefulness.

These questions will help you better understand how the training material meets the needs of participants and how it can be improved to improve learning effectiveness.

Examples of questions to assess the quality of teaching and materials

The quality of teaching and materials used play a decisive role in the success of the training event. These questions will help assess the competence of teachers and the effectiveness and usability of teaching materials.

Examples of questions:

  1. Assessment of teacher competence:

    • How competent was the teacher in the subject taught? (scale from “not at all competent” to “very competent”)

    • How clearly and accessible did the teacher explain the material? (scale from “not at all clear” to “very clear”)

    • Did the teacher have effective methods of interacting with participants?

  2. Quality of educational materials:

    • How do you evaluate the quality of training materials (e.g. presentations, tutorials, videos)? (scale from “very low” to “very high”)

    • Were the training materials relevant and relevant to the program content?

    • How easy was it to use the training materials provided?

  3. Effectiveness of teaching methods:

    • How varied and effective were the teaching methods used (lectures, practical assignments, group discussions)? (scale from “not at all effective” to “very effective”)

    • Were there sufficient opportunities to practice and consolidate knowledge?

    • How much did you like the format of presenting the material?

  4. Participant interaction and support:

    • How open was the instructor to questions and feedback from participants? (scale from “not open at all” to “completely open”)

    • How quickly and completely did the teacher answer participants’ questions?

    • Did you feel the teacher was supportive and interested in your success?

  5. Feedback on materials and methods:

    • Were the materials and teaching methods provided helpful to your professional development? (scale from “not at all useful” to “very useful”)

    • What aspects of teaching and materials would you improve?

    • Please share your overall impressions of the quality of teaching and learning materials.

  6. Comments and suggestions for improvement:

    • What additional materials or resources would you like to see in the program?

    • Do you have any suggestions for improving teaching methods?

    • Please share any additional comments on how the quality of teaching and learning materials can be improved.

These questions will provide detailed feedback on the quality of teaching and learning materials, making the training more effective and beneficial for participants.

Examples of questions to assess the impact of training on work

Assessing the impact of training on the work of participants allows us to understand how much the acquired knowledge and skills influenced their professional activities. These questions will help identify changes in productivity, self-confidence, and ability to apply new knowledge in the workplace.

Examples of questions:

  1. Impact on productivity:

    • How would you rate the impact of training on your productivity? (scale from “not at all affected” to “significantly affected”)

    • Has your ability to perform tasks more effectively increased after training? If so, how?

    • What specific results of your work have improved as a result of training?

  2. Confidence in your strength:

    • How much has the training increased your confidence in performing your professional responsibilities? (scale from “not at all” to “significantly”)

    • Do you feel more prepared to solve complex problems after training?

    • What specific knowledge or skills have helped you become more confident in your job?

  3. Application of knowledge in the workplace:

    • How easy was it to integrate what you learned into your daily work? (scale from “very difficult” to “very easy”)

    • What new methods or techniques have you started using since training?

    • What changes in your work have occurred as a result of applying new knowledge?

  4. General results and achievements:

    • What workplace achievements do you attribute to completing the training?

    • Were you able to achieve new professional goals or objectives as a result of your training?

    • What examples of successful application of new knowledge can you give?

  5. Feedback on impact on work:

    • What aspects of your training have had the greatest impact on your work?

    • Are there areas where you did not feel a significant impact from the training? If yes, which ones?

    • How can a training program be improved to have a greater impact on professional practice?

  6. Comments and suggestions to improve the impact of training:

    • What do you think can be done to make training have an even greater impact on your work?

    • What additional topics or modules would you suggest adding to enhance the impact of the training?

    • Please share any additional comments about how the training impacted your work and how it could be improved.

These questions will help you gain valuable information about how the training impacted the participants' professional performance and help you make necessary changes to improve the effectiveness of the training programs.

How to create a survey on the Testograph platform

Creating a survey on the Testograph platform is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to collect valuable feedback from training participants. In this section, we'll walk you through step-by-step instructions for creating a survey and also provide links to ready-made templates that you can use to speed up the process.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a survey:

  1. Registration and login:

    • Go to the site Testograph and register or log in if you already have an account.

  2. Create a new survey:

    • On the main page, select the “Create a new survey” option.

    • Enter a title for the survey that participants will understand (for example, “Assessment of Learning on Topic XYZ”).

  3. Select a template or create from scratch:

    • You can choose one of the ready-made survey templates on the Testograph platform. This will save time and help you get started quickly.

    • If you want to create a survey from scratch, select the “Create from scratch” option.

  4. Adding questions:

    • Start adding questions using the examples provided in this article.

    • For each category of questions (overall satisfaction, applicability and relevance of the material, quality of teaching and materials, impact on work), create a separate section.

    • Use different types of questions: closed (with a choice from the proposed options), scaled, open (for detailed answers).

  5. Setting up a survey:

    • Determine the target audience for the survey.

    • Set privacy and anonymity settings if necessary.

    • Determine the timing of the survey.

  6. Testing the survey:

    • Before sending your survey to participants, test to ensure that all questions display and work correctly.

    • Involve colleagues in testing to get additional feedback.

  7. Publication and distribution of the survey:

    • After testing, publish the survey.

    • Distribute the survey link to training participants via email, instant messengers, or internal corporate networks.

  8. Collection and analysis of results:

    • After completing the survey, collect the results on the Testograph platform.

    • Use built-in analysis tools to process data and gain insights.

  9. Action based on feedback:

    • Based on the feedback collected, make any necessary changes to the training program.

    • Share results with your team and members to show that their opinions are considered and valued.


In this article, we looked at the importance of post-training feedback and suggested 50 questions to help you gather valuable information from participants in your programs. Here are the key points to remember:

  1. The importance of feedback:

    • Feedback allows training programs to be improved, making them more effective and relevant to participants.

    • It helps identify training strengths and weaknesses and tailor content to employee needs.

  2. Categories of questions:

    • Overall Satisfaction: questions aimed at assessing the overall impression of the training and its organization.

    • Applicability and relevance of the material: questions that help to understand how useful and relevant the material was to the participants’ daily work.

    • Quality of teaching and materials: questions assessing the competence of teachers and the quality of teaching materials provided.

    • Impact of training on work: questions that help assess how the training affected the participants’ professional activities.

  3. Creating a survey on the Testograph platform:

    • The Testograph platform provides convenient tools for creating and distributing surveys.

    • You can use ready-made templates or create surveys from scratch by following step-by-step instructions.

  4. Action based on feedback:

    • The collected feedback will help you make the necessary changes to the training program, increase its effectiveness and increase the satisfaction of participants.

    • It's important to share survey results with your team and members to show that their opinions are considered and valued.

Applying these questions and recommendations will help you create better and more effective training programs that will meet the needs of your employees and promote their professional growth.

Don't forget to use the Testograph platform to simplify the process of creating and analyzing surveys. Links to survey templates will help you get started quickly and efficiently.

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