50 Leader Evaluation Survey Questions for Your Inspiration

Management evaluation is an important process that helps improve the quality of management and the overall atmosphere in the company. In this article, we'll look at how to properly design a leadership assessment survey and offer 50 questions that can be used to do so.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with tools and examples for conducting quality assessments of managers. Whether you're an employee looking to provide constructive feedback, an HR professional looking to improve internal processes, or a manager looking to get honest feedback from your team, you'll find this article helpful.

Executive evaluation is important for several reasons:

  1. Improving management skills: Receiving feedback allows managers to understand their strengths and weaknesses and work to improve them.

  2. Increasing employee motivation: When employees see that their opinions are important and taken into account, it has a positive effect on their motivation and engagement at work.

  3. Development of corporate culture: Regular assessment of managers helps create an open and trusting atmosphere in the company.

  4. Improving team efficiency: Quality leadership is directly related to team productivity and effectiveness.

This article will be useful to employees who want to anonymously express their opinions about management, HR professionals involved in improving personnel evaluation processes, and managers seeking self-improvement and wanting to receive constructive criticism. In the following sections, we'll look at how to approach survey design and provide specific examples of questions to evaluate executives.

The Importance of Executive Evaluation

Management evaluation plays a key role in the development of the company and its employees. In this section, we'll look at how the quality of leadership affects team performance and motivation, and the benefits of regularly evaluating leaders.

1. The impact of leadership quality on team performance and motivation

The quality of leadership directly affects team performance and employee motivation. Good leaders are able to:

  • Inspire and motivate: True leaders know how to inspire their employees to achieve high results, motivating them with their examples and support.

  • Create a positive work environment: Leaders who build open and trusting relationships with their teams foster a positive work environment, which in turn increases productivity.

  • Develop talents: Effective leaders help their employees develop professional skills by providing opportunities for learning and growth.

2. Benefits of regular management assessments

Regular assessment of managers brings many benefits both for the company itself and for employees:

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: The assessment reveals the strengths and weaknesses of managers, which helps in developing individual development plans.

  • Improved communication: Periodic management evaluation helps open feedback channels between employees and managers, improving overall team communication.

  • Increasing employee engagement: When employees see that their opinions are taken into account and actions are taken to improve management, it increases their engagement and loyalty to the company.

  • Strengthening corporate culture: Continuous pursuit of leadership improvement contributes to the formation of a corporate culture focused on development and improvement.

Regular leadership evaluations are a powerful tool that helps a company improve and employees feel more valued and heard.

Approaches to creating a survey

Creating a survey to evaluate executives requires careful consideration to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data generated. In this section, we will look at the basic principles of question writing and methods that will help ensure the anonymity and sincerity of responses.

1. Basic principles for writing questions

There are several key principles to consider when writing questions to evaluate managers:

  • Clarity and Specificity: Questions should be clear and understandable to avoid misunderstandings. Use specific language and avoid ambiguous or general language.

  • Relevance: Questions should be directly related to the manager’s competencies and tasks. Do not include questions that are not relevant to his/her responsibilities.

  • Balance: Include both positive and negative aspects of being a leader. This will help you get a balanced picture and avoid being skewed to one side.

  • Measurability: Use rating scales (eg 1 to 5) to quantify. This will make it easier to analyze the data and compare results.

  • Anonymity: Ensure that responses are anonymous. This will help employees feel free to express their opinions.

2. How to ensure anonymity and honesty of answers

To obtain honest and accurate data, you need to create an environment where employees feel comfortable answering questions. Here are some recommendations:

  • Anonymous platforms: Use online survey platforms that guarantee the anonymity of respondents. This could be a specialized service such as Testograph.

  • Clear communication: Explain to employees the purpose of the survey and emphasize that their responses will be used to improve the work environment and manager development. Make sure they understand the importance of their honest and frank opinion.

  • Independent data collectors: Consider using third parties or specialists to collect and analyze data. This will add a level of trust to the process.

  • Anonymous suggestion boxes: In addition to online surveys, provide employees with the opportunity to leave their suggestions and feedback in special boxes that will be checked regularly.

By following these principles and guidelines, you can create an effective and reliable executive evaluation survey.

Examples of questions for assessing managers

The assessment of managers includes various aspects of their work, such as management skills, communication, support and development of employees, decision making, leadership skills and culture. Below are sample questions for each of these categories to help you create a comprehensive survey.

1. Questions about management skills

  • How would you rate your manager's ability to effectively plan and organize the team's work?

  • How good is your manager at prioritizing tasks?

  • How often does your manager meet to discuss progress and plans?

  • Assess your manager's ability to make thoughtful and informed decisions.

  • How well does your manager distribute tasks and responsibilities among team members?

2. Questions about communication

  • How would you rate your manager's ability to convey information clearly and understandably?

  • How accessible is your manager to discuss questions and concerns?

  • Evaluate the level of feedback you receive from your manager.

  • How much does your manager listen to and consider your opinions and ideas?

  • How do you rate your manager's ability to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings within the team?

3. Questions about employee support and development

  • How supportive is your manager of your professional development and career growth?

  • How often does your manager provide you with training and development opportunities?

  • How much does your manager help you set and achieve professional goals?

  • Assess the extent to which your manager encourages initiative and autonomy at work.

  • How do you rate the level of support your manager provides in difficult situations?

4. Questions about decision making and problem solving

  • How do you rate your manager's ability to make quick and informed decisions in critical situations?

  • How ready is your manager to take responsibility for decisions made?

  • Assess your manager's ability to analyze information and data before making decisions.

  • To what extent does your manager involve the team in the decision-making process?

  • How do you assess your manager's ability to solve complex and innovative problems?

5. Questions about leadership qualities

  • How would you rate your manager's ability to inspire and motivate the team?

  • To what extent is your manager a role model?

  • Assess the level of trust your manager instills in the team.

  • How does your manager treat all team members fairly and objectively?

  • How do you assess your manager's ability to manage change and adapt to new conditions?

6. Questions about culture and ethics

  • To what extent does your manager adhere to corporate values ​​and ethical standards?

  • How do you rate your manager's ability to maintain a positive and inclusive work environment?

  • Assess the level of respect and trust your manager has for each employee.

  • How does your manager promote a culture of openness and honesty within the team?

  • How would you rate your manager's commitment to professional and personal integrity?

These questions will help you gain a comprehensive assessment of managers and identify areas for improvement.

Examples of surveys and templates

To make the process of creating an executive assessment survey easier, we've provided several examples of ready-made surveys and templates you can use. These examples cover various aspects of managers' performance and will help you gather the information you need to evaluate them.

1. Example survey: Management skills and communication

Survey “Assessment of management skills and communication”

  1. How effectively does your manager plan and organize the team's work?

  2. How often does your manager meet to discuss progress and plans?

    • Often

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. How accessible is your manager to discuss questions and concerns?

    • Always available

    • Often available

    • Sometimes available

    • Rarely available

    • Never available

  4. Evaluate the level of feedback you receive from your manager.

  5. How much does your manager listen to and consider your opinions and ideas?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

2. Sample survey: Employee support and development

Survey “Employee support and development”

  1. How supportive is your manager of your professional development and career growth?

    • Very supportive

    • Supports

    • Neutral

    • Do not support

    • Doesn't support it at all

  2. How often does your manager provide you with training and development opportunities?

    • Often

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. How much does your manager help you set and achieve professional goals?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  4. Assess the extent to which your manager encourages initiative and autonomy at work.

    • Very much

    • Strongly

    • Neutral

    • Weak

    • Very weak

  5. How do you rate the level of support your manager provides in difficult situations?

3. Sample Survey: Leadership and Culture

Leadership and Culture Survey

  1. How would you rate your manager's ability to inspire and motivate the team?

    • Very high

    • High

    • Neutral

    • Low

    • Very low

  2. To what extent is your manager a role model?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. Assess the level of trust your manager instills in the team.

  4. How does your manager treat all team members fairly and objectively?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  5. How do you assess your manager's ability to manage change and adapt to new conditions?

    • Very high

    • High

    • Neutral

    • Low

    • Very low

These sample surveys will help you quickly create effective executive evaluation questionnaires. To simplify the process, you can use ready-made templates on the Testograph platform.

Survey Template – Manager Evaluation


In this article, we looked at the importance of assessing managers, methods for creating surveys, and provided sample questions for a comprehensive assessment of management skills. To summarize, there are several key points.

There are many benefits to regularly evaluating managers. It helps improve management skills, increases employee motivation, promotes corporate culture, and increases overall team performance. It is important to understand that quality leadership plays a key role in the success of any organization.

To create an effective survey, questions must be clear, relevant, balanced, and measurable. Ensuring the anonymity and honesty of responses is critical to obtaining accurate and genuine data.

Examples of surveys and ready-made templates presented in the article will help you quickly and efficiently organize the process of evaluating managers. Using these tools will allow you to gain objective data and identify areas for improvement.

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