50+ free video lessons

Do you want to learn game development, 3D modeling, web design or programming? Maybe you are interested in website creation? Ready to help! If you are interested in one of these IT areas, we recommend today’s selection: we have collected 50+ video lessons that will help even a beginning student take his first confident steps on his own.

Free lessons in video format are a good way to learn something new and even get better at something useful. IT, a promising area, is no exception. That's why we're at school Pixel and decided to prepare a selection of 50+ videos. With them, independent studies based on a number of popular and promising areas will become simple and exciting, as well as truly useful. Especially from the point of view of the first steps on the path to immersion in information technology and to mastering the relevant professions of the future.

What videos have we collected:

  • Coding in Python (13 videos);

  • Development on the Unity engine (15);

  • Three-dimensional modeling in the Blender program (11);

  • Web design in Figma (10);

  • Web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (7).

Choose the direction you are interested in and feel free to start watching the video. We promise that self-paced learning will not be boring. This is due to a minimum of theory and visual projects completed and recorded on video by Pixel school teachers. It is enough to repeat after them to get results. Interested? Then let's get started.

50+ IT lessons for children and teenagers from 10 years old: coding, game creation, 3D modeling and other areas

Computer courses for beginner teenagers are great and useful. But it's not always clear where to start. This problem can be solved by getting acquainted with illustrative examples, which today’s selection is partly devoted to: 5 directions and informative and fascinating videos will help you decide.

Let's get started without further digression. First of all, we would like to highlight programming in Python, a popular and widespread language.

13 Python programming lessons: computer course for teenagers 10–14 years old online

Let's build an acquaintance with the directions this way: we describe the features, prospects and other aspects, and then move on to the lessons. If you agree, let's go.

So, the Python language belongs to the high-level category. It is efficient and simple: the entry threshold is minimal. The last thesis is confirmed by the fact that even primary schoolchildren and beginning teenagers cope with mastering the presented language, albeit in a playful way. The practice of our teachers teaching Python courses for children from 9 to 14 years old is a direct argument.

Using this common language, you can carry out simple and complex projects in the following areas:

  • Web development;

  • Scientific research, machine learning, which is especially important in the era of the spread of artificial intelligence;

  • Scripting. Simply put, we are talking about automating routine tasks using code written in Python;

  • Development of desktop applications. An example is the Blender software (written and programmed using C, C++ and Python), which we will also talk about later;

  • Creation of mobile applications.

Thus, mastery of the Python language can be considered a promising skill. So-called Pythonists are in demand in the IT professions market.

We got to the most interesting part: let's present 13 programming lessons in Python. We will not describe each one, we will only give names and links: we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the content by viewing.

So, if the considered direction interests you, we advise you to move within this sequence:

  1. What is Python;

  2. What to choose: Java or Python;

  3. Code in programming;

  4. Variables;

  5. Libraries;

  6. Loops in Python;

  7. Lists;

  8. Functions;

  9. Terms;

  10. Logical operators;

  11. Modules;

  12. Getting mouse coordinates;

  13. Creating Animation Using Python.

It is clear that we have to go through, albeit a short, but still a path from the basics of coding in Python to the implementation of the first simple projects. The non-boring theory presented by our teachers is complemented in all video lessons with interesting practice: just watch and repeat to get results.

Here another playlistin which you can better understand Python using the example of creating mods for Minecraft.

After getting acquainted with the selections, you will be able to feel like a beginner Pythonist, which will definitely help you understand whether it is worth learning the language and whether it is right for you. If yes, the next step could be to master C# in a playful way using the example of development on the Unity engine.

15 videos for learning development on the Unity engine: computer classes for schoolchildren from 10 years old

Let us note, as in the first case, that you should get acquainted with Unity from the age of 10. The corresponding lower limit is set by our methodologists for a self-paced course dedicated to the Unity engine and coding in C#. But if you are younger than the specified age, have the desire and zeal, then be sure to try to study the direction using video lessons.

Let's first look into the details. Unity is an engine designed for creating 3D games. You can work with its tools as efficiently as possible provided you understand and know C#, the programming language used for scripting game logic. But in practice, its capabilities are much wider: we use the context of communication with Unity.

To understand the prospects of the direction, let’s turn to the practice of using the designated engine and language. So, Unity is used for development:

  • Single and multiplayer games for personal computers, PlayStation, Xbox and more. Unity tools are also suitable for creating entertainment applications for devices with Android and iOS operating systems;

  • AR and VR games. We are talking about augmented and virtual reality technologies. Games based on them in part or in full are becoming increasingly popular and in demand.

Strategies, platformers, simulators are a small part of the genres that can be implemented using Unity. But not without the C# language, which is used by professional IT specialists for development:

  • Video games and web applications;

  • Software for Windows;

  • Utilities and auxiliary tools to optimize routine tasks;

  • Educational applications, such as interactive virtual simulators and textbooks.

These are just examples to show the potential of C#. And we naturally got to the video tutorials and want to offer the following sequence of getting acquainted with Unity and the C Sharp language:

  1. Downloading and installing Unity 3D on a personal computer;

  2. Creating Animation;

  3. Script for teleport;

  4. Development of object spawning;

  5. Triggers on the Unity engine;

  6. Timer development;

  7. Moving objects using Mouse Drag;

  8. Character health bar – Health bar;

  9. Saving the game;

  10. Development of a runner from scratch;

  11. Exporting games from Unity;

  12. Uploading your own projects to the Play Market;

  13. Creating a Character Jump in Unity;

  14. Creating movements in 2D and 3D games;

  15. Render lines.

So, there will be a lot of practice, just like in the first improvised course. You will be able to feel like a novice developer and C# programmer. If you liked it, here it is full playlist: It contains more tutorial videos.

And we move on and move on to three-dimensional modeling.

11 Blender lessons: free computer 3D modeling course for schoolchildren 13 years old and older

At Pixel, we teach 3D modeling to children from the age of 13 because we find the field relatively difficult. But this is only a methodological and conditional limitation. Therefore, even if you are 11–12 years old, the presented course, consisting of free video lessons, can be completed without additional reservations.

On to the theory: the Blender program is designed to create three-dimensional computer graphics. But it is characterized by a much wider list of possibilities, because the developers provide the following tools:

  • Direct modeling. Using this conditional mode, you can create 3D models;

  • Sculpting. A set of appropriate tools allows you to work in the so-called digital sculpture mode and “sculpt” various objects;

  • Animation creation, simulation, rendering, video editing, post-processing, etc.

Thanks to Blender software you can:

  • Make simple and complex models for games;

  • Create marketing videos;

  • Develop architectural visualizations and more.

So, the potential and prospects for using Blender are clear. Therefore, we suggest moving on to the lessons and recommend that you familiarize yourself with them in the following order:

  1. Installing Blender;

  2. Getting to know the software interface;

  3. Creating 3D Models;

  4. Deepening into 3D modeling;

  5. Modifiers in the Blender environment and their use;

  6. The stage and its purpose;

  7. Creating a car model from scratch;

  8. Texturing;

  9. Lighting in Blender;

  10. Animation and its basics;

  11. Digital sculpture or sculpting mode.

Getting acquainted with a selection of Blender lessons in the form of a course in video format will help beginning teenagers dive into the field of 3D modeling both at 13 and at 15–17 years old. You will be able to acquire valuable skills and get closer to the professional creation of virtual three-dimensional objects, which can become the basis for further training and obtaining a profession in the future.

10 Figma video lessons: free web design course for teenagers from 12 years old

A child 10-12 years old and older can independently master web design. This is not a rule, because the same Figma service may seem difficult for a beginner. But it's definitely worth a try. And we move on to the theory, which precedes free video lessons for self-study.

Thus, Figma is an online service intended for designers, web developers and a number of other specialists from related fields. Thanks to the editor's tools, you can create website prototypes, colorful presentations, and other projects.

Here are examples of the actions of a typical web designer using the Figma service:

  • Drawing website interface elements;

  • Creation of an interactive prototype of a web resource, vector graphics and illustrations;

  • Drawing banners, icons and other important graphic design components.

This option is an excellent choice for children looking for ways to express themselves creatively. In this sense, the Figma editor is an indispensable assistant, as well as a means of getting closer to mastering one of the sought-after professions in the field of web design. An additional advantage is the connection with the basics of computer graphics: in parallel, you can dive into the basics of two areas at once.

Here is the sequence of Figma video tutorials that we recommend following:

  1. Basics of the Figma service;

  2. Editor interface;

  3. Features of adding fonts;

  4. Working with shapes and objects;

  5. Using images and icons;

  6. Basics of prototyping;

  7. Working with color;

  8. Typography in Figma;

  9. Adaptive design and its features;

  10. Export operation.

7 web development video lessons for school-aged children

In this area, we work with students aged 12 years and older. But in the case of self-study, there is no age limit: you can try your hand even earlier. We are confident that if you have desire and determination, everything will work out.

Please note that professional web developers must be proficient in the following tools:

  • HTML. It is a hypertext markup language designed to manage content on websites;

  • CSS. This is a tool used to graphically or visually display the content of web pages. To put it more correctly, we are talking about a way to manage the visual components of the site;

  • JavaScript. It is a programming language used primarily for scripting scripts in web development projects. Additionally, using JavaScript you can write interactive applications and more.

A typical modern web developer is a specialist who can be responsible for the frontend and backend. The areas are related but intended to achieve different goals. The frontend direction, say, involves working with that part of the site that is associated with user experience. We are talking about everything that a specific person sees when visiting a specific site. Backend is tied to the server part, databases and more. This direction is focused on ensuring the functionality of web resources.

And again to the main thing: if the topic is interesting, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training videos. Here is the recommended sequence:

  1. Brackets and basic HTML tags;

  2. Img, lists and hyperlinks;

  3. Tables and CSS Basics;

  4. How to create an online store;

  5. Games to help you learn HTML and CSS;

  6. Programming a Calculator Using JavaScript;

  7. Learning jQuery.

Fun theory, entertaining practice – all this can be said about the last video course that completes our selection. We hope it was interesting and you were able to find something for yourself.

How to choose a direction for study

Let us anticipate the question of a parent who does not know how and how to attract a child. If this is a relevant topic, we recommend starting from the student’s interests. We do not recommend trying to force him to learn something against his will: even if the result is obtained, the acquired skills are unlikely to become truly useful in the future. Personal interest and involvement should be the basis.

Thus, 3D modeling and web design are better suited for children and teenagers with creative inclinations, while web development is better suited for potential techies. If you are interested in gaming, creating games using Unity and C# as an example, it seems to us, is an obvious choice.

If the child is still too small, does not fit into the classic definition of a teenager, or simply does not know how to handle a PC correctly, you can start studying computer literacy lessons or dive into Scratch Jr.

At the same time, we hasten to emphasize that if an early learning scenario is sometimes undesirable due to the inexperience and restlessness of children, their lack of understanding of the basic principles of coding, modeling and development, then teenagers can start learning at any time.

In conclusion, we would like to wish you good luck in your self-study and ask you to tell us: did you manage to choose the direction and what direction, if so? Why did you choose him?

Material prepared by Pixel School. We teach children computer literacy and how to use Scratch Jr, Kodu Game Lab and more. Junior schoolchildren and teenagers, together with our teachers, successfully cope with game development and programming, using Unity, Blender, Python, Lua and other environments and languages. If the topic of information technology is interesting, come visit us and choose the direction you like more than others.

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