50 Customer Review Questions for Inspiration

Our goal is to help you collect useful and informative feedback by providing examples of 50 questions that can be used in surveys. These questions will help you gain valuable data that will improve your product or service and increase customer satisfaction.

Why customer reviews are important

Customer reviews are a powerful tool for any business. They are helping:

  • Understand customer needs and expectations.

  • Find problem areas and areas for improvement.

  • Increase customer loyalty by showing that their opinion is valuable.

  • Improve the company's reputation by showing reviews to new clients.

  • Increase sales by providing potential customers with evidence of the quality of a product or service through real reviews.

In addition, regularly receiving and analyzing feedback helps build trust with customers, which is key to long-term success.

Who will benefit from this article?

This article will be useful:

  • SMB owners who want to better understand their customers and improve their offerings.

  • Customer service managers seeking to improve customer service and satisfaction.

  • Marketers who want to use reviews to improve their promotion strategy.

  • Product specialists who need to receive regular feedback to improve the product.

  • Anyone interested in improving the quality of interaction with customers and increasing their loyalty.

The article will provide you with specific questions to use in your surveys and explain how to interpret the responses to make informed decisions.

The Importance of Customer Reviews

The Importance of Collecting Feedback

Collecting customer feedback is an integral part of running a successful business. Here are a few reasons why this is so important:

  • Improvement of a product or service: Customer reviews provide direct feedback on what is working well and what needs improvement. This allows the company to adapt and develop in accordance with the real needs of the market.

  • Increased customer satisfaction: When customers see that their opinions are taken into account and lead to real change, it increases their trust and loyalty to the company.

  • Increased sales: Positive reviews can significantly influence the decisions of potential customers. People tend to trust the opinions of other buyers, especially if they share their experiences and results.

How reviews influence the improvement of a product or service

Customer reviews can provide valuable insight into various aspects of your product or service:

  • Product quality: Customers can point out specific features they like or don't like, which can help you improve or refine the product.

  • Functionality: Identifying shortcomings or problems in a product's performance helps to quickly resolve them and prevent other users from having a negative experience.

  • Customer service: Feedback from your customer experience helps you identify areas of weakness and find ways to improve them.

For example, if several customers indicate that your product is difficult to use, this is a signal to rethink the user interface and make it more intuitive.

The role of reviews in building a company's reputation

Customer reviews play a key role in shaping your company's reputation:

  • Online reputation: Reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or social media can greatly impact how potential customers perceive your company. Positive reviews create an image of a reliable and high-quality supplier, while negative ones can scare off potential customers.

  • Trust and Transparency: Displaying customer reviews on your website or marketing materials shows that you are open and transparent. This can increase trust in your brand.

  • Word of mouth: Satisfied customers often share their experiences with friends and family, which helps your customer base grow organically.

By collecting and analyzing feedback, you not only improve your product or service, but also actively create a positive perception of your brand in the market.

Examples of customer feedback questions

Introduction to the list of questions

Writing survey questions can be challenging. It's important to create questions that will help you get the most useful and informative feedback from customers. In this section, we will present 50 questions divided into several categories that will help you collect feedback as effectively as possible. These questions can be used in both online surveys and in-person interviews.

Dividing questions into categories

For convenience, all questions will be divided into the following categories:

  1. General issues

  2. Questions about the quality of a product or service

  3. Questions about customer service

  4. Questions about the purchasing process

  5. Questions about repeat purchases and loyalty

  6. Questions for B2B clients

  7. Industry-Specific Questions

Each category will provide specific questions you can use in your surveys, as well as explanations of why these questions are important and how they can help you improve your business processes.

General issues

Examples of questions that can be asked of all clients

  1. How did you hear about our product/service?

  2. How long have you been using our product/service?

  3. What do you like most about our product/service?

  4. Is there anything you don't like about our product/service?

  5. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

Justification for their usefulness

These questions will help you understand the overall level of awareness of your brand, as well as identify the strengths and weaknesses of your offering. For example, if many customers have learned about your product through referrals, this may be a signal to increase your referral-based marketing. If customers point out specific shortcomings, this will help you quickly correct them and improve the quality of the product.

Questions about the quality of a product or service

Sample questions

  1. How would you rate the quality of our product/service on a scale of 1 to 10?

  2. How does our product/service meet your expectations?

  3. Are there features or features you'd like to see in the future?

  4. What problems, if any, have you encountered while using our product/service?

  5. How would you rate the price/quality ratio of our product/service?

How answers to these questions help improve a product or service

Answering these questions will give you direct feedback on how customers perceive your product or service. If the majority of customers give you a high rating, this confirms that you are on the right track. However, if the scores are low or customers indicate certain problems, this will be a reason to review and improve your offer. You'll also get ideas for new features or improvements that can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Questions about customer service

Sample questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the quality of service you received?

  2. How quickly was your problem or request resolved?

  3. How courteous and professional were our staff?

  4. Have you encountered any problems communicating with our customer service?

  5. How informative and helpful were the answers provided to you?

  6. Is there anything you think our customer service could improve?

  7. How would you rate your overall experience with our customer service on a scale of 1 to 10?

  8. Were your expectations from our customer service met?

  9. Is there anything you would like to see in the future in our customer service?

  10. How do you prefer to contact our customer service (phone, email, live chat, etc.)?

The importance of these issues for improving customer service

Customer service plays a key role in the overall perception of a company by customers. Questioning service quality allows you to identify weaknesses and identify areas for improvement. For example, if customers complain about long response times, this may signal a need to strengthen the support team or improve internal processes. Questions also help you understand how polite and professional your employees are, which is important for maintaining a positive company image.

The feedback you receive will help you:

  • Increase the efficiency and quality of solutions to client requests.

  • Train staff to improve courtesy and professionalism.

  • Optimize communication channels, providing customers with the most convenient methods of contact.

  • Implement new methods and technologies to improve customer service.

Questions about the purchasing process

Sample questions

  1. How easy was it to find the product/service you were looking for on our website or in store?

  2. Did you have any problems placing your order?

  3. How clear and convenient was the payment process?

  4. Did you have any questions or difficulties when choosing a delivery method?

  5. How would you rate your overall shopping experience on a scale of 1 to 10?

  6. How informative were the product/service descriptions on our website?

  7. Have you encountered any technical problems on our website?

  8. Were you satisfied with the delivery time of your order?

  9. How convenient was it to track the status of your order?

  10. Is there anything that could improve your shopping experience with us?

How answers help improve your shopping experience

Understanding how customers perceive the purchasing process allows you to make it as simple and convenient as possible. If customers indicate difficulty navigating a website or problems completing an order, this is a sign that user experience and processes need to be improved. For example, if customers complain about the inconvenience of the payment process, you might consider introducing additional payment methods.

The answers to these questions will help you:

  • Optimize the process of searching and selecting products on the website.

  • Simplify the ordering and payment procedure.

  • Improve the information content of product and service descriptions.

  • Increase the convenience and reliability of delivery methods.

  • Resolve technical issues and improve the overall shopping experience.

Questions about repeat purchases and loyalty

Sample questions

  1. How likely are you to buy our product/service again?

  2. What would make you come back to us for your next purchase?

  3. What factors are most important to you when choosing a product/service again?

  4. What can we do to improve your experience and increase your likelihood of repeat purchase?

  5. Have you recommended our product/service to your friends or family? If yes, why?

  6. What offers or promotions would encourage you to buy again?

  7. How often do you buy products/services like ours?

  8. Do you have any concerns or obstacles that might prevent you from contacting us again?

  9. How satisfied are you with the loyalty program (if there is one)?

  10. How would you rate your overall experience with our brand on a scale of 1 to 10?

Why Understanding Customer Repurchase Intentions is Important

Repeat purchases and customer loyalty are key indicators of business success. These questions help you understand what is holding customers back and what needs to be improved to increase their loyalty. Repeat customers often spend more and bring in new customers through referrals. Understanding the factors that influence customer loyalty allows a company to develop strategies aimed at retaining customers and increasing their satisfaction.

Questions for B2B clients

Sample questions

  1. What is your role in the company (eg manager, director, owner)?

  2. What product/service did you purchase from us and how do you use it in your company?

  3. How does our product/service help you achieve your business goals?

  4. How would you rate the price/quality ratio of our product/service?

  5. What features or functionality would be useful for your business in the future?

  6. How easy was it to integrate our product/service into your business processes?

  7. Is there anything we could improve to better suit your needs?

  8. How often do you interact with our support team and how satisfied are you with these interactions?

  9. What additional services or products could be useful for your business?

  10. How would you rate our cooperation on a scale of 1 to 10?

How might these questions differ from questions for individual clients?

B2B customers often have different priorities and needs compared to individual buyers. These questions help you understand how your product or service integrates into your customer's business processes and how effectively it helps achieve their goals. The answers may reveal new opportunities to expand the product, improve service, and develop long-term cooperation.

Industry-Specific Questions

Sample questions for different industries


  1. How often do you visit our store?

  2. How satisfied are you with the range of products?

  3. How would you rate the quality of service in our store?

  4. Is there anything you would like to see in our range?


  1. How would you rate the quality of the service provided?

  2. How did you like the process of providing the service?

  3. Have you had any problems while using the service?


  1. How easy was it to install and configure our product?

  2. Have you encountered any technical problems?

  3. How helpful was our technical support?

How to tailor questions to industry specifics

Each industry has its own characteristics and needs that must be taken into account when compiling surveys. For example, for retail trade questions about the quality of service and assortment are important, while for the IT sector questions about technical support and product functionality are critical. Tailoring questions to industry specifics allows you to receive the most relevant and useful feedback, which leads to more precise improvements to products and services.


Collecting customer feedback is a critical aspect of running a successful business. The questions we've covered in this article will help you create effective surveys aimed at getting the most useful and informative feedback. By putting these questions into practice, you can better understand your customers' needs and expectations, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your product or service, and take appropriate action to improve them.

Tips for using question templates

  • Tailor questions to your audience: Consider your industry, customer type (B2B or B2C), and context of use of the product or service.

  • Use a variety of question formats: Include open and closed questions, rating scales, and multiple choice questions to obtain more detailed information.

  • Update surveys regularly: Review and update questions periodically based on changes in your business, product or services, and based on feedback received.

  • Analyze your data: Collect and analyze feedback to identify key trends and issues. Use the data you gain to make informed decisions and improve your offering.

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