5 things not to write in vacancies

Not a word about the salary, just “cookies” and “friendly atmosphere”, and the requirements were written in 3 volumes. There are such vacancies from those who are not aimed at hiring smart candidates. For such people – my bad advice. And for those who care about the success of the team, I have collected other recommendations so useful that they can even be eaten after six.

Bad advice #1. Wait for a miracle

Does your company need a superhero who can simultaneously perform 25 tasks, stand on his head and close the client? Enter the ability to pass through walls in the requirements of the vacancy. It will be needed when the employee finally burns out and decides to leave you. Alas, in the real world there are no creatures of 20 years old who have 30 years of experience in your field, learn quickly and know how to work for a whole

Helpful Tip #1. Be Realistic

Don’t overwhelm a job with unrealistic requirements that might scare off good candidates. Put on the list only the key skills that the employee really can’t do without.

The ideal candidate according to the employer

The ideal candidate according to the employer

Bad advice #2. Slur and use clichés

“We are looking for an energetic and motivated specialist who is ready to keep up with the times and take on challenges.” Everyone knows that this magic phrase attracts top applicants. If you’re determined to go all the way, you can spice up the job with generic words like “unique experience,” “broadening your horizons,” and “opportunity for growth.” Let job seekers guess what you really mean. At the same time, you yourself will remain in silence, peace and without employees.

Helpful Tip #2. Be clear and specific

Forget clichés and vague phrases. With them, your vacancy looks unconvincing. If you don’t know how to add specifics to the text, entrust this matter to a professional. For example, before publishing on our service, channel administrators help clients adjust the text of the vacancy so that it is informative, interesting for the applicant and does not contain anything superfluous.

The applicant is trying to understand what HR meant

The applicant is trying to understand what HR meant

Bad advice #3. Be indifferent to work experience

Need an applicant with 10 years of experience who is ready to learn from scratch? So write it! A bunch of Middle and Senior specialists will come to you, who only dream of repeating their career path again from the very beginning.

Useful advice number 3. Either experience or willingness to learn

Do not demand in a vacancy both a lot of work experience and a willingness to learn from scratch. This can give the wrong impression of the company.

HR is looking for a candidate with no experience

HR is looking for a candidate with no experience

Bad advice #4. Hide your salary information

Keep salary information for your job position private. Leave the intrigue to the candidates, let them think for themselves how their work will be paid. After all, money means nothing, and people should be ashamed to be interested in their financial stability. All you need is the delight of the work and the opportunity to be in your wonderful team. And if the applicant responded, but did not agree with the salary, he simply imagined himself too much and, in general, is to blame for not being able to foresee the future.

Helpful Tip #4. name the numbers

Don’t play secret agents. If you cannot specify the exact rate, write in the vacancy a salary fork or at least an approximate amount. This will save time for both HRs, who will not have to deal with irrelevant applicants, and candidates, who will immediately understand whether they are satisfied with the level of payment.

Name the payroll and no one gets hurt

Name the payroll and no one gets hurt

Bad advice #5. Complicate working conditions

Be sure to write down all the working conditions that generally exist in your organization. Load with long sentences and swirling wording. Be sure to indicate that you expect employees to work 24/7 without rest or sleep. And no lunch breaks or vacations! Leave the benefits of working for you veiled, such as “good bonuses.” Give candidates a chance for a pleasant surprise after they sign a contract or at least pass an interview.

Useful advice number 5. Be simple and people will reach out

If you don’t want to alienate job seekers, don’t forget to show your company in a good light. Don’t overload your ad with complex terms or obscure “goodies”. It is better to describe briefly and to the point what conditions and benefits you can offer the candidate. But at the same time, be honest with yourself and with applicants, do not promise what is not.

By creating high-quality job postings, you will get the most talented candidates and improve your company’s reputation in the labor market.

Shall we continue the list? Share your bad or useful tips in the comments!

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