5 Fundamental Books for Developers – Tproger

Sooner or later, every specialist thinks about deepening his knowledge, as a result of which he will certainly turn to the study of fundamental materials.

Today, I, Danil Abdrafikov, a mobile application developer at TAGES, would like to recommend 5 books that, in my opinion, will best help a developer expand and deepen their knowledge.

1. Clean code: creation, analysis and refactoring. Robert Martin

What could be better than code? Probably just clean code. And here, it would seem, everything is pretty obvious – you just need to immediately write it cleanly. However, in practice, things are somewhat more complicated. There are always various factors that affect the cleanliness of the code: timelines, various requirements, and, of course, the knowledge of the developer himself. With the latter, this book, which is definitely worth reading, can help.

In his book, the author gives detailed recommendations for writing clean code. The main advantages of this work include a bright style, thanks to which the book is read in one breath, as well as an abundance of examples to consolidate the knowledge gained.

2. Clean architecture. The art of software development. Robert Martin

And again the work of Robert Martin. In his book, the author, in his usual manner, understands the problems that arise in the design of architecture in an understandable language.

The architectural principles described in the book help to cope with problems and build maintainable, flexible, and most importantly, testable applications.

Separately, it is worth noting that the book not only provides useful information, but also has a motivating effect, as a result of which, after reading, there is a desire to start your journey to the top of pure architecture.

3. Extreme programming. Development through testing. Kent Beck

This book is of particular interest because its author, Kent Beck, is at the forefront of the approach it describes. TDD (Test-Driven Development; Development through testing)which, one might say, allows you to learn about the topic first hand.

It is also worth noting that, although the topic itself cannot be called simple, the book is written in an understandable language and contains many examples and templates, making the material well absorbed and remembered.

4. Patterns of object-oriented design. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides

It was under this title that the anniversary reissue of the already cult book was published. “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”.

As the title suggests, this book is all about patterns and problem solving in design. It discusses in detail generative, structural, and behavioral design patterns, and demonstrates an example of how to design a text editor using patterns.

5. Algorithms. Construction and analysis. Thomas Cormen, Charles Leizerson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein

This work (otherwise it cannot be called) truly belongs to the time-tested. The first edition was published back in 1990 and has since become bestseller and get some updated reissues.

Over several hundred pages, four authors deeply reveal the topic of algorithms and their construction, accompanying all this with a large number of examples, illustrations, as well as a detailed and understandable description.


In conclusion, I want to say that the study of these books does not at all oblige you to use all the techniques and approaches described in them. It is up to you to decide depending on your needs and desires. Nevertheless, do not neglect fundamental knowledgebecause they build the necessary foundation for a successful career in IT.

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