14 Test Automation Best Practices

Automated testing has become an integral part of modern software development, allowing teams to optimize their testing efforts and deliver high-quality software faster.

In this article, I'll share 14 simple yet effective practices that will help you get the most out of test automation. From test case development to execution and analysis, these techniques aim to optimize the testing process and improve the overall quality of software products.

I'll illustrate these best practices with examples of automation using TypeScript Cypress.

1. Start with a strategy

Before you start automating testing, you need to develop a detailed plan or strategy. Define specific goals and objectives for test automation. Determine which processes require automation and which can be left unchangedbased on their feasibility.

This approach also involves Interaction with those who best understand the applicationsuch as a project manager, business analyst, or UI/UX designer—team members who are knowledgeable about the functionality of the application and its value to users. Additionally, you can contact the QA departmentwho can provide information about his experience in past projects and advise whether to stick with an already proven strategy or develop a new one that will better suit the requirements of the current project

2. Use test kits wisely

Split tests into categories based on themes, functionality or pages applications. So, you can create a separate set of tests to test authorization functionality, another set to test payment functions, and so on. This approach makes it easier to monitor and conduct testing efficiently, especially as the number of tests increases.

For example, let's take the functionality “Booking process” (test suite) which contains tests, e.g. “Reservation of a ticket for an adult” And “Booking a ticket for an adult with a child”.

As an example, here's how to use the function describe() to create a “Test Set” and the function it() for a description of the “Test Script in Cypress:

3. Describe the test scenarios in detail.

Before you start writing code, describe each test step in detail and the expected results. This is similar to developing a detailed plan before starting construction – it is important to clearly understand what and how you will do. Working through each step in detail in advance will make it easier to write test code later, since you will already know which aspects need to be tested and in what order.

Example test script for automation

Example test script for automation

4. Create supported test cases.

Create test scripts in a way that is easy to read and maintain. Give tests and their components names that clearly reflect their essence. Remember to take the time to optimize your methods so they can be reused. Adhere to company standards and coding guidelines. Below are some tips for optimizing your code.

5. Add IDs to HTML Elements

Appropriating HTML elements have data-testid attribute in the frontend code, you are effectively marking them for testing. This makes it easier for automated tests to accurately identify and interact with these elements, even when the HTML markup changes. In cases where quality engineers do not have access to a front-end code repository, it may be necessary to request data-testid from the developers.

Examples of data-testid for elements in HTML

Examples of data-testid for elements in HTML

Usage example data-testid in Cypress:

6. Use preconditions and postconditions

Preconditions and postconditions help us prepare the test and clean up after it. Before running a test, it is critical to verify that the system is in the correct state for testing (preconditions). After the end of the test, it is necessary to return the system to its original state or perform the required cleaning so that the system is ready for a new test (postconditions). Using methods such like Before, After, BeforeEach and AfterEach allows us to automate these setup and cleanup processes, thereby ensuring the stability and independence of our tests.

Example of using hooks before(), beforeEach(), after() in Cypress:

7. Use API calls to automate tasks, save time, and prevent test instability

Here we are talking about using the API for purposes such as creating the necessary test data or setting up user account states before running tests, as well as subsequently cleaning or reloading this data. The use of API calls not only improves test stability, but also saves time by automating routine operations.

An example of using methods in Cypress:

8. Use the Page Object Pattern Correctly

In this approach, each application page is designed as a separate object in the code. This makes tests easier to organize and maintain, since any changes to the user interface are managed within the appropriate page object. Using the page object pattern makes the test code more readable and easily scalable.

It is advisable to use the Page Object pattern in test automation in the following cases:

  • The application has complex user interface with many pages or elements that require frequent interaction in tests.

  • You expect frequent changes to the user interface and want to centralize UI-related changes in one place for easier support.

There is no need to use the Page Object pattern in the following cases:

  • The application has simple user interface with a few pages or elements that don't require much interaction in tests.

  • you create one-time or special testswhich do not need to be maintained or reused in the future.

  • You are limited in time and you need to create tests quickly without focusing on long-term maintenance or scalability.

Here is an article by Gleb Bakhmutov about using Page Object and App Actions in Cypress.

9. Applying inheritance for common page elements

Some pages may use the same templates. Instead of repeating code for common elements in different page objects, we can create a base page object that will include these common elements. We can then develop child page objects for specific pages that will inherit from the base page object. This approach makes our test code more modular and structured.

Example of page inheritance

Example of page inheritance

10. Grouping common components for reuse

It is important to be able to determine when certain elements appear on multiple pagessuch like headers, footers or menus.

By defining these common components and storing them in separate files as above, we can avoid duplication of code in different page objects. Instead, we design methods to interact with these common elements only once. This approach saves time and resources, and also makes our test code more efficient, easier to maintain, and reusable.

11. Develop reusable helper methods

Efficiently develop support methods for frequently repeated tasks in different testsfor example, for authorization. Such methods encapsulate the logic behind these actions, making them easy to reuse across multiple tests.

Cypress Project Folder Structure

Cypress Project Folder Structure

12. Log test details for easier debugging

It is useful to log key information at different stages of the test. These records may include information such as: such as testing stages, input parameters, expected and actual results. Logs provide important information for diagnosing errors and debugging problems in testswhich helps to identify the root causes of problems and eliminate them effectively.

Example of using the method log() in Cypress:

13. Organize test data into separate files

It is useful to place different types of test data in separate files classified by category. These files may contain such informationsuch as application data, locators for identifying interface elements, input data for test scripts, web page URLs, and authentication data. Organization of test data in this form and centralizing them in one file makes them easy to reuse and update. Instead of making changes to data in different tests, you can update it in one place, which provides consistency and makes the testing process more efficient.

Example .json file with data:

14. Update tests regularly

Regularly review and update automated tests to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Failure to regularly update tests can reduce their effectiveness over time. Make necessary adjustments to ensure your tests are up to date with the latest changes in application requirements and functionality.

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