With age, the body begins to fail us more and more and weaken. You cannot avoid aging, but you can control the pace of this process. Plus it's easier than it seems. And you need to start today, before the sand falls out of you, and “my coffin is still making noise in the forest, he is a tree, he is nursing nests” (Frantishek Grubin).

Hi all! Community in touch RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking. Today we will discuss with you the pressing topic of ways to slow down aging. You can find even more materials about personal productivity here. Fly in to get root access to how your body works.

We will analyze the methods given in the book “The Mystery of the Ageless Jellyfish.” Its author is Niklas Brendborg, a Danish biologist. He discusses the topic of eternal youth and provides a number of specific, scientifically based tips for slowing down the aging process.

Disclaimer: We do not advocate taking medications without consulting specialists; all information is for informational purposes only. We only support safe biohacking methods.

Let's take a closer look at the methods:

1. Hormesis. Stress is sometimes good

In essence, stress is a cascade of interconnected chemical reactions that occur in the human body under the influence of various stimuli. Conventionally, stress is divided into two types: eustress and distress. Eustress is your bro, it increases the body’s resources and helps to adapt. Distress is not your thing, it's draining.

Hormesis – this is a short-term exposure to stress factors that have a positive effect on the body. Eustress that helps pump up the body and slow down the aging process includes: hardening, training for the body, solving problems to pump the brain.

And here are the famous ice baths of Pavel Durov as an example of eustress

And here are the famous ice baths of Pavel Durov as an example of eustress

2. Spermidine. Cleaning from the inside

Spermidine is a polyamine that is found in all plant foods. The scientific world is now actively discussing how promising antitumor agent.

Those who have more spermidine experience slower aging. Spermidine stimulates the work of autophages (cellular cleaners) – their number decreases with age.

You can get it from food. Top foods for spermidine content: wheat germ, soybeans, amaranth, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, brown rice, corn, cauliflower, broccoli, pistachios, green bell peppers.

3. Zombie cells

The main problem at the moment for scientists involved in aging. Oxidative damage to telomeres can cause cellular senescence.

Researchers foundthat telomere damage puts cells into a zombie state in as little as four days—much faster than the weeks or months of repeated cell divisions required to induce aging by shortening telomeres. These zombie cells freeze, but do not die, but release harmful substances into the tissue.

You can help your cells with several substances. Quercetin is a flavonoid, vitamin P, found in apples, cabbage, buckwheat and onions. Fisetin is also a flavonoid, found in strawberries, apples, persimmons and grapes.

Melatonin helps zombie cells recover. So that's where getting a good night's sleep every day comes to the rescue.

4. With age, the number of mitochondria decreases, and this is also one of the reasons for aging.

To maintain and increase a constant number of mitochondria, training is needed. Moreover, intensity is much more important than duration. Sprinting or high-intensity interval training is much more effective for mitochondria; hardening also works well in this direction (remember about hormesis).

We reviewed effective supplements that support mitochondrial health. Since a decrease in mitochondrial energy production leads not only to premature aging, but also to chronic fatigue.

5. Growth hormone and IGF-1

Insulin-like growth factor and somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) increase the rate of aging.

Research has shownthat reducing the activity of the growth hormone and IGF-1 axis extends lifespan in a wide range of species, including worms, fruit flies, yeast and mice. Mice in the control group showed a decrease in the risk of cancer and diabetes.

Calorie restriction is one of the most effective ways to increase lifespan in most species, and also reduces the activity of the GH axis in IGF-1.

In centenarians who have lived more than 100 years, the content of IGF-1 is reduced. You can find out your IGF-1 by taking a blood test.

6. Rapamycin is one of the anti-aging drug candidates

Research has shownthat rapamycin increases lifespan and health outcomes in yeast, invertebrates and rodents. It blocks the mTOR growth signal. Rapamycin is already approved for use in humans, having been successfully used to block the immune response in kidney transplants.

Some doctors now prescribe rapamycin off-label, but as a preventative therapy to maintain health. A study was conductedin which 505 people took part. Rapamycin users generally reported marked improvements in quality of life. The problem with this study is that it took the form of surveys, that is, it relied only on the words of participants who expected the miraculous effect of rejuvenating apples from rapamycin.

What is known for certain are the side effects: patients using rapamycin are more likely to develop infectious diseases, their blood sugar levels may rise, and insulin resistance may develop. This drug remains to be studied.

7. Iron is one of the important factors of aging

Researchers have foundthat aging cells constantly accumulate iron. It also triggers fibrotic diseases in humans.

With age, ferritin levels increase, and with it the risk of developing diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and cancer increases.

Rodent studies have shownthat although limited iron availability may compromise certain physiological processes in the body, diets enriched with iron accelerate aging by increasing oxidative stress and inflammation.

8. Anti-aging calorie restriction

In this case, intermittent fasting, calorie restriction or two meals a day are suitable. Were research has been carried outaccording to which patients following a diet with a reduced calorie content for 5 days once a month for three months reduced body weight, total body fat, lowered blood pressure, and recorded a decrease in IGF-1, which we already discussed above.

Proventhat any reduced-calorie diet can counteract age-related changes and diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and stroke. Cells exposed to starvation adapt to stress by increasing their defense against oxidative stress.

9. Methionine

Restriction of the amino acid methionine extended the life of rats by 30%. The situation is similar for people.

Brendborg advises avoiding excessive intake of antioxidant supplements.

“It appears that antioxidant supplements will promote the growth and spread of some cancers rather than limit them. Excess antioxidants actually interfere with the strengthening and healing process after exercise.”

Niklas Brendborg

In order for the body's own systems to work correctly, you just need to eat a balanced diet. Trying to fit “everything healthy and more” into your diet only does harm, weakening your own protective functions.

10. Carbohydrates are not a problem, but they can become one.

Above we discussed the issue of reducing calories to slow down the aging process. Carbohydrates become a problem when a person significantly exceeds their caloric needs.

Proventhat a diet rich in protein or fat relative to carbohydrates results in low life expectancy with high mortality rates in all age classes. The ratio of BZHU in an ideal diet longevity should be 2:3:5. We are talking about the traditional Mediterranean diet. Preference should be given to carbohydrates in whole grain products.

11. Sport is life

Those who do strength training live longer than those who don't exercise at all. Those who do cardio live even longer. And those who combine both types of training live the longest.

I would like to note: If you reconsider your diet and regularly engage in physical activity, you can take a significant step towards longevity and the fight against age-related changes. This is the best investment in your health that can be made quickly, but will show great results over the long haul.

This article was written by community member Victoria. And even more interesting research and analysis in the community RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking on Telegram And group on VKontakte. The channel also features brilliant communication, personal experiences of participants and the opportunity to ask questions and get help.

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