11 lessons from scratch

Creating computer graphics is a popular area. Specialists with relevant skills prepare two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, models and other virtual objects used in advertising, cinema, web development, computer games and other areas. You shouldn’t consider the direction difficult: even a teenager can handle it. And we want to prove this using the example of a free Blender and computer graphics course.

Specialists capable of creating 2D and 3D images, models, similar items and objects are becoming increasingly in demand. They are more or less involved in the film industry, web development, game creation and other areas. The prospects of the direction are obvious: we are talking not so much about a probable professional future, but about the connection with graphic design – another common area from which no neural network can push a person out of yet.

We're at school Pixel We believe that Blender software is suitable for diving into the designated direction. We use it to teach computer graphics to teenagers on a paid basis. course online, but today we want to offer our readers a selection of free video lessons. They will help you master the basics and understand the basics of the direction and use of the Blender program.

To begin with, we suggest you plunge into theory and understand why the tools of the Blender environment are interesting and why it is preferred by modern specialists involved in creating 2D and 3D graphics.

What is Blender and why is it often used to create 3D computer graphics?

Sculpting in Blender

Sculpting in Blender

The Blender environment is a professional and freely distributed software designed for working with three-dimensional computer graphics. Users have access to tools that allow them to:

  • Model. We are talking about creating virtual 3D models;

  • Create a digital sculpture. This is possible thanks to the presence of a sculpting mode;

  • Make animation, do simulation and more.

Additionally, the developers have provided tools for rendering – obtaining images from virtual models, as well as for post-processing and editing videos.

The Blender environment is in demand due to its free nature and stable development. An additional argument to justify its popularity is the wide range of tools available to the user who wants to create.

If your teenager is interested in computers, plays games, or simply spends time on entertainment sites with interactive applications, hint to him that he can become a creator of graphic elements of similar and independently completed projects. The opportunity for creative self-realization often motivates and stimulates, involving in the comprehension of new things. If the child likes the direction, this interest, which only at first glance seems childish and fickle, is worth supporting.

And we invite beginners to consider the possibility of starting on their own in 2D and 3D graphics. Our teachers have prepared a free educational playlist with videos about modeling in Blender. It is presented in the form of step-by-step instructions with sequential video tutorials: they will help you understand the basics.

So let's start learning the direction. The presented free computer graphics lessons for children and teenagers will help us with this.

Teaching children computer graphics: 11 free lessons for beginners

We invite you to start the mini-course we have prepared. We will move from simple to complex: first we will understand the issues of installing and configuring the Blender interface, then we will begin to model and learn how to work with relatively complex tools of the software application.

1. Installing the program on a PC

The first important step and introductory lesson in today's course is to install the professional Blender software. A training video will help us in this lesson, in which the teacher touched on the following topics:

  • Downloading the Blender environment to a personal computer;

  • Run the installation file;

  • Key points to note in the process;

  • Launching a program for working with 3D graphics;

  • Basic interface settings.

The latter are presented in the form of step-by-step instructions. But getting to know them doesn’t end there: to better understand the interface and dive into the advanced settings, you’ll need to watch the second video.

2. Immersion in the interface of the Blender environment

Let's look at questions about the interface and advanced settings of the program: this will help you begin and complete its preparation for full-fledged operation. From the video we get to know:

  • How does the program interface work?

  • How can you increase or decrease the work area;

  • Where to search and view created projects;

  • What you need to add and remove windows;

  • How can you change the set data display type;

  • What tabs and tools are provided by the developers;

  • Where to look for settings and what to do with them;

  • Why are workspace tabs needed?

  • How to save user-defined settings.

The acquired skills will bring us closer to the basic goal – creating virtual objects and objects in the form of models.

3. Grid, its purpose and editing

A mesh is a three-dimensional geometric primitive. Changing it through basic transformations and modifiers allows you to get different shapes and forms.

To better understand what we are talking about, watch the video. It talks about:

  • Grids, their addition and operations available for transformation;

  • Extrusion manipulation – the process of stretching surfaces and edges of specific objects to obtain the required geometric shapes;

  • Functions designed to change the object editing mode;

  • Extrusion is a tool for creating new elements from a series of geometric structures.

The third video will teach a beginning student how to use a number of important tools and functions of the Blender program, which will become the basis for further movement in the direction of mastering computer graphics.

4. Creating your first 3D model

The time has come for active practice: we have understood the basic theoretical principles, so let's apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The fourth video will help with this, covering the following important topics:

  • Adding primitives;

  • Creating a sphere, changing its size;

  • Using hot keys designed to call up important menus and quickly perform a number of operations;

  • Switch to editing mode;

  • The use of transparency, which allows for greater clarity when working with three-dimensional models;

  • Sphere extrusion and proportional editing;

  • Smoothing and its purpose.

In the end we will be able to get a full-fledged model of the vase.

5. About modifiers and their importance in modeling

The fifth lesson in computer graphics for children, using the example of working in the Blender program, is devoted to modifiers – additional functions designed to speed up and optimize work with models. Thanks to the appropriate capabilities, the user is able to eliminate routine and achieve the required results without seriously changing the properties of an already created 3D object.

Even beginners will enjoy the video: you will have to create your own simple character model. Here are the topics you will need to master:

  • Features of working with the “Cube” tool;

  • Applying modifiers to transform it;

  • Advanced use of the Extrude tool;

  • Creating the head, body, arms and legs of a 3D character;

  • Refinement of created elements using modifiers.

6. Scenes, their role in modeling in the Blender program

The sixth lesson of 3D computer graphics for children is devoted to a scene – a simulation of a three-dimensional world. It contains various virtual items and objects. The scene is intended for editing the latter.

Mastering the lesson material will be interesting and exciting: visual examples are provided. We will delve into topics such as:

  • Advanced work with the cube, its modification and editing within the active scene;

  • Creation of an electric pole;

  • Adding additional materials;

  • Getting started with light, tools designed to improve it.

At the end we will be able to see a full-fledged scene created independently.

7. Creating a 3D car in Blender

Want to tackle a truly complex project rather than just setting up a stage? We support this desire and offer the seventh video. It will help us create a full-fledged three-dimensional model of the car. Upcoming:

  • Add the already familiar “Cube” tool;

  • Give it an elongated shape;

  • Use the cylinder to get makeshift wheels;

  • Add a virtual radiator grille and headlights to the scene;

  • Modify the wheels.

If everything is done correctly and according to the instructions, we will get a 3D machine created from scratch.

8. Texturing Basics

Texturing is a tool based on the use of textures: thanks to appropriate techniques and operations, you can make virtual objects more realistic. Additionally, the tool is useful when you need to overlay ready-made images on the surfaces of objects located on the scene. This is used, say, when preparing prototype cards for computer games.

The eighth training video will help us understand:

  • How to create and assign a material to a specific object;

  • How and why to use the copy function when working with textures;

  • What tools are designed to adjust the glow of materials and its parameters.

9. Lighting and its use in Blender

Thanks to the lighting in the environment we study, we can create realistic and more attractive 3D scenes. Correctly adjusting the color means significantly improving the appearance of the project being completed. Modern 3D modelers pay special attention to lighting: this affects the presentation of models, their presentation to potential clients and customers.

To learn how to control light correctly, let's watch the ninth video. It talks about what it is:

  • Shading. This is a feature that allows you to create attractive materials for 3D models. The essence of shading is to control how lighting interacts with volumetric shapes;

  • Light. It can be point, plane, natural and more.

Additionally, the teacher explained what mistakes are typical for beginners who use shading for the first time, and why it is necessary to work with lighting carefully.

10. What is animation in Blender and how to work with it

You can create animation in the Blender environment using key points and a number of additional functions. This is the subject of the penultimate training lesson from today’s impromptu 3D computer graphics course for children.

What you need to know:

  • What is animation in Blender;

  • How to work with personnel correctly and what is needed for this;

  • How to transfer the created animation effect to other objects within the same scene.

11. Sculpting, or digital sculpture

Thanks to sculpting, you can create detailed 3D models. Simply put, this is a digital version of traditional clay modeling. Sculpting allows you to work with virtual objects in a similar way, but using software.

The last video from today's selection will help you find out:

  • What is sculpting and how is it used by 3D modelers;

  • What tools should be used to detail models.

So, our free 3D computer graphics course in Blender has come to an end. Share your successes in the comments and tell us if you were able to repeat the steps of the teacher and avoid mistakes. If you liked the lesson, be sure to let us know: we can prepare more exciting lessons. Using them you will be able to learn and improve your own skills that are in demand in the world of information technology.

Next, you can go to the mini-course on creating a minion model, we published lessons in other material.

Material prepared by the school Pixel. We teach children programming, web development, game creation, 3D modeling, and together we dive into other IT areas.

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