[Инфографика] How artificial intelligence is featured in science fiction

As they say, the most important of the arts of deception for us is cinema.

However, when dealing with science fiction, the human imagination often looks in the right direction, especially when it comes to futurological forecasts. The ongoing revolution associated with artificial intelligence, totally changes our lives. But, it turns out, we thought about it long before.

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This article was written with the support of EDISON Software.

We often use machine learning and neural networks: for example,
developing automated software testing systems
or by creating self-taught video processing programs.

We love artificial intelligence! 😉

When AI comes to life

Today’s infographic from Noodle.ai will tell you about some of the cinema and television predictions that have come true about AI capabilities. Many of the early “predictions” about future technologies have certainly not come true. But it seems that science fiction managed to predict a couple of things about AI accurately.

The original purpose of AI: make our life better

Artificial intelligence covers everything that allows machines to simulate human decision-making processes. In a very wide range of applications: from simple automation to advanced machine learning models.

AI has penetrated almost all spheres of life, and the infographic shows that many inventions from science fiction are designed to make things more convenient for us people.

NF forecasts AI in reality
1962: Cartoon Jetsons demonstrates video calls through a TV and a robot maid. 2002: iRobot Roomba – The first robotic vacuum cleaner.
2018: Facebook Portal – Intelligent display for video calls.
2019: Robotic Kitchen Moley – able to cook food and then clean up after itself.
1966: Series Star Trek inspired a number of technological innovations that have entered our daily lives. We’ll cover some examples: Bluetooth headsets, voice assistants, mobile phones and automatic sliding doors.
1989: Back to the Future contains smart glasses for TV and phone calls, as well as smart watches that accurately predict the weather. 2012: Application Dark sky notifies about weather changes with an accuracy of a minute.
2013: Using Google glass You can call, send SMS, view photos and manage devices.
2015: Apple watch comes with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and even a heart rate sensor.
1999: Movie Smart House demonstrates a fully automated home that can communicate, cook and clean, and control the thermostat. 2019: In competition from the TV channel Hgtv You can win a “smart home” connected to Wi-Fi, complete with a voice thermostat and an intelligent security system.

Of course, not all inventions were enthusiastically received. Although Google glass initially did not cause enthusiasm among the general public, now smart glasses with augmented reality have been in demand in such a business field as manufacturing.

In some other sectors (such as healthcare), science fiction advances provide life support for many patients and constantly expand the boundaries of the possible.

Science Fiction Helps Go Beyond

A grandiose event in the history of AI occurred in 1997, when the IBM-vsky supercomputer Deep blue defeated the best chess player among people. This stunned the whole world when it became clear what AI is really capable of – although in science fiction it was 20 years ago.

But, as shown in the infographic, in science fiction, not everything is so rosy with AI. Artificial intelligence is often portrayed as a threat – and some predictions have been very accurate.

NF forecasts AI in reality
1977: K9, robotic dog from Doctors Whodefeats his master in a chess game. 1997: computer Deep blue from IBM defeats Russian chess player Garry Kasparov.
1984: Skynet of Terminator – artificial intelligence, with self-awareness, is trying to destroy humanity. 2019: US Army creates ATLAS – an autonomous system for "identifying, identifying and targeting threats."
2002: In the film Special opinion artificial intelligence identifies people in public places and shows them individual advertising. 2013: At gas stations Tesco petrol To select a commercial, the system scans the faces of drivers, determining gender and age.
2011: AI conducts total surveillance through surveillance cameras and identifies future criminals in the series In sight. 2018: Ndas (The National Data Analytics Solution) – The national data analysis system in the UK.

Although not all of the above causes concern, it becomes apparent that research and development leads to the emergence of revolutionary technologies that will enter our lives very soon. However, translating movie dreams into reality can lead to interesting dilemmas.

Grant robots rights?

The year before last in the European Parliament the most interesting question was discussed: is it possible to put robots on a par with people?

The resolution provides for the possibility of considering “personalities” of complex, autonomous robots. What caused categorical protests from more than 150 experts on artificial intelligence, who believe that this “blurs the boundaries between man and machine” in an unethical way.

Be that as it may, this thought experiment shows that the prospects for artificial intelligence are fully consistent with our wildest expectations.

AI is what has not been done so far.

Tesler's theorem

As we enter an era in which AI is inextricably linked to everyday life, how else can science fiction shape our expectations for the future?


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